Q. What is the purpose of the ITS realignment?
- To create efficiencies
- To eliminate redundancies
- To cross-train for improved support
Q. Are there going to be other changes across the University?
- Yes, all units are examining opportunities to reduce costs, improve services, and increase efficiencies.
Q. Will there be more changes in ITS?
- Yes. We will continue to evolve as conditions warrant and to meet the needs of the University.
Q. Who will manage integrated technology personnel?
Q. Could I be reassigned to a different supervisor?
- Yes, we are moving to a resource management model that may require a change in supervisors based on the work necessary to meet the needs of the University.
Q. Who will perform evaluations of integrated technology personnel?
- The ITS manager/ supervisor assigned to the unit will evaluate integrated technology personnel based on job performance, skills, and customer service feedback, using the University’s annual performance evaluation process. Deans will be asked for input on evaluations.
Q. Will the same people support the same areas?
- Yes and no. In the short term, there will be few changes. ITS will implement cross-training initiatives to strengthen support across campus. For the long term, we will practice resource management by pooling personnel to complete tasks and projects.
Q. Where will the ITS staff be located?
- A few staff locations, including LSPs, will change locations in the short term. We will continue to have staff located throughout the campus.
Q. How will the realignment affect support hours?
- We have after-hours support until 7:00 p.m. at this time and will be extending to cover academic needs as necessary.
Q. Are other divisions participating in the ITS integration?
- Not at this time.
Q. How will customers request assistance?
- Customers should call 8888 or fill out a ticket at helpdesk.memphis.edu.