To excel in this course…
Maintain expectations and beliefs that increase your motivation.
Think positively! There is evidence that students who believe they can
learn will be more likely to succeed.
Find support and positive encouragement from friends, family, and/or
coworkers who understand what motivates you and will help you to achieve your goals.
Develop personal coping skills and strategies.
What challenges do you face as an online learner? What are your concerns?
You know yourself as a learner better than anyone else! With this in mind,
form a “game plan” to proactively address time management, stress, and other personal barriers that may impede your success.
Practice self-assessments and reflections.
Dig deeper beyond assignments! How do you know if you are learning and making progress? How is what you are learning related to your personal goals? Continue to reflect on these questions as you progress through the course and seek ways to manage your learning.
Links and Resources for
Managing Learning and Setting Goals
- Time Management Tips for Online Students
- What is a Personal Learning Contract?
- Create Your Own UofM Blog/Journal
- Create a Professional Portfolio through eCourseware
- Track your Progress in eCourseware