Finding Your Path, and Staying Focused

To excel in this course…

Make individual choices in your learning that promote your autonomy.

Don’t compare yourself to other students! Acknowledge that you may learn
differently from others and take the appropriate steps. All students have
different strengths and challenges. Not all skills will come naturally to
you — this is true for every student! Let your individual challenges
encourage and motivate you to persist. Learn to adjust and acquire new
skills that may be more challenging for you than others.

Identify the relevance, value, and authenticity of the course

What are your personal and professional goals? How are the course goals
related to your personal goals? Continue to reflect on these questions as
you match the relevance of this course and its assignments to your personal
interests and progress. Take the time to communicate your personal
interests and goals to your instructor.

Remove distractions from your learning environment.
As an online student, you can access the course anytime, anywhere. However,
this does not mean can be successful anytime, anywhere. There are certainly
times, places, and settings that are much more conducive to learning. Make
note of what times and settings work best for you and plan your schedule
accordingly. Set aside quiet, uninterrupted time to focus on your success.

Links and Resources for Finding Your Path and Staying Focused



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