Nudges in Navigate

The campaigns feature in Navigate has something called Nudges. This “nudge”  is an email reminder that will go to your advisees who have not yet scheduled all appointments. During my time in CCFA, I would set my appointment limit 3 in order to allow for no shows and cancellations. This is not the best practice.

Instead, if a student is marked as No Show or Cancels an appointment, they will be allowed to reschedule using the campaign link. There is no need to allow for 3 appointments to account for no shows/cancellations.

I believe the nudges will continue to go to all students who have not scheduled all appointments. So if you leave the campaign for 3 appointments, those who have only scheduled 1 or 2 appointments would still get the nudges.

Only allow for 1 campaign appointment and just be sure students who don’t show up are marked as No Show or their appointment is marked as Cancelled if they let you know in advance that they won’t be attending.