AAN Recap
Topics Discussed:
- Center for International Educational Services presentation – Bethany Purdunte, blprdnte@memphis.edu
- Tiger SmartStart – Amanda Lowe, alowe5@memphis.edu, FAQs https://www.memphis.edu/auxiliary/smartstart.php
PowerPoint Presentations
Center for International Educational Services presentation – Bethany Purdunte, blprdnte@memphis.edu
Serve only F-1 Visa students
- Must be registered for 12 hours for undergrad
- Must be registered in 9 hours for grad
- Can take ONLY 1 online course per semester unless otherwise approved due to course offerings.
Work Options
- Students attending with an F-1 Visa can work on campus up to 20hrs per week
- F-1 visa students CAN do an internship. As long as they receive academic credit for the experience, they can work off site! CPT/OPT Program (slide 6 for link to law and description)
Health Insurance
- F-1 Visa holders must have insurance, the IES team assists students. If you advise an international student that has a hold due to insurance, refer the student to the Center for International Services to get it resolved.
Tiger SmartStart – Amanda Lowe,General Manager, Certified Textbook Trainer. Phone: (901) 678-2011 Ext 3976
Tiger Smart Start will go into effect for Spring 2023. The $24 per credit hour is a rental fee. Students will return the books at the end of the semester. At that point, they will have the option to buy the books. Full time students now only spend $360 based on 15 credit hours.
All students are automatically enrolled. Students must choose to opt out and should speak with their advisor to see if this is the best chose for them. Student cannot cherry pick the books. It’s either all in our all out. Jan 27 is the last day to opt out.
Student can make choices or delivery method of opt out beginning 30 days prior to the start of classes.
Student will follow 5 steps:
- Register for class
- Verify materials
- Select fulfillment methods
- Receive materials –
- Students decides how they want to receive the materials, either pick them up from the book store or have them mailed to their house.
- Access codes will be automatically loaded to Canvas
- End of term: Return Materials