Fall 24 and Spring 25 Training Dates

Advisor Bootcamp

Aug 12th

12 noon – 4 pm

UC River Room


CAS Advisor Kickoff

Sept 13th

12 noon – 4 pm

FCB 119


Discover Your Major Day

Oct 3rd  UC Ballroom

9 am – 2 pm


Fall Preview Day, 8 am – 12 noon

First Preview Day: Sept 28

Second Preview Day: Nov 23

Lambuth: Oct 1


CAS Advising Training dates

All trainings are the first Friday of every month at 1 pm in the J.M.Smith Building, room 218. Training sessions will be divided into two hours. The first hour will be for all advisors. The second hours will be further training and workshops for new advisors and those wishing to be re-tooled.


Fall Training Dates

  • 1 pm for all advisors. J.M. Smith Building, room 218. New advisors are asked to stay for the second hour for more indepth training.
    • Oct 4th
    • Nov 1st
    • Dec 6th


Spring 25 Training dates, 1pm J.M Smith, Room 218

  • 1 pm for all advisors. J.M. Smith Building, room 218. New advisors are asked to stay for the second hour for more indepth training.
    • Feb 7th
    • March 7th
    • April 4th


Transition Workshops Fall and Spring

  • Student have earned 30 hours leave Academic Advising Center (AAC) and are transitioned to the college departments for academic advising.
  • Fall – Oct 22 and 23, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 pm
  • Spring – Feb 18 amd 19, Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 pm


AAN Meetings, usually the 3rd Wednesday at 2:30 pm in the UC River Room

Day Date Time Location Hosts
Friday September 27, 2024 TBA TBA Division of Student Academic Success – Excellence in Advising Celebration
Wednesday October 16, 2024 2:30 pm UC River Room Fogelman College of Business & Economics/Pre-Law
Wednesday November 20, 2024 2:30 pm UC River Room College of Communication and Fine Arts
Wednesday December 18, 2024 2:30 pm UC River Room College of Professional & Liberal Studies/College of Education
Wednesday January 15, 2025 2:30 pm UC River Room Academic Counseling Advising Center/Center for Athletic Academic Services
Wednesday February 19, 2025 2:30 pm UC Bluff Room College of Health Sciences/Loewenberg College of Nursing/School of Public Health
Wednesday March 19, 2025 2:30 pm UC River Room College of Arts & Sciences
Wednesday April 16, 2025 2:30 pm UC River Room Herff College of Engineering/ Kemmons Wilson School of Hospitality & Resort Management





FAQ: What is the difference between petition and a email to casgraduation. Petitions are entered in UMDegree and are for general education classes only. They are answered by the Registrar office. The casgraduation email goes to the graduation analyst in the dean’s office and is for curriculum changes regarding your major (ex. major, concentration, minor, catalog, substitutions and any other question).

  • Email Subject: Student Name U00000000
  • Greeting: Dear CAS,

FAQ: Terms start with the year first, month, followed by a zero

  • Fall: 202480, 2024 – year, 8 – August, the month the semester start, followed by a zero.
  • Spring:202510
  • Summer: 202550

FAQ: Assign yourself as advisor. In Banner, go to SGAADVR.  Enter the student’s u number and the term.

Video: https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZeI2KV76V2

FAQ: Permits–  You can only for your major. If the student needs a permit from another department,  student will need email that departments to request permission. They have the right to say no as classes may be restricted to majors only or limited space

FAQ: Clearing pin – CAS+ initials, After meeting with the student, be sure to clear the student on SPAAPIN in Banner.

Pre/Post Advising Email Templates


Sample Email Templates:




Attached is your (ex. ENGL) major requirements sheet, which I’ll review with you during our phone appointment tomorrow, but please take a look ahead of time.

Also attached is a table showing the tentative English course offerings over the next few semesters.  If a box is gray, then the class is NOT offered in that particular semester. The table is divided by concentration with Literature classes on page one, and courses from the other concentrations on page two. The table also shows which classes will have WEB (online) sections, or Honors sections.

Please be sure to have access to a computer (or other device) so you can view your UofM account during the appointment.

Talk to you soon!



(include email signature with appointment link)





Attached is your (ex. ENGL) major requirements sheet, which I’ll review with you during our Zoom appointment tomorrow, but please take a look ahead of time.

Also attached is a table showing the tentative English course offerings over the next few semesters.  If a box is gray, then the class is NOT offered in that particular semester. The table is divided by concentration with Literature classes on page one, and courses from the other concentrations on page two. The table also shows which classes will have WEB (online) sections, or Honors sections.

Talk to you soon!



(include email signature with appointment link)





Attached is your ENGL major requirements sheet, which I’ll review with you during our in-person appointment tomorrow in Patterson Hall, room 471, but please take a look ahead of time.

Also attached is a table showing the tentative English course offerings over the next few semesters.  If a box is gray, then the class is NOT offered in that particular semester. The table is divided by concentration with Literature classes on page one, and courses from the other concentrations on page two. The table also shows which classes will have WEB (online) sections, or Honors sections.

See you soon!



(include email signature with appointment link)


FIRST APPT (like for incoming transfer)



Since this is our first time meeting, I’m going to cover a few things to be sure you’re aware of all of your remaining requirements.  In order for us to have a productive and informative advising meeting, please do the following BEFORE we speak:

  • Familiarize yourself with UMdegree, a degree audit tool that keeps track of your degree requirements.  To access UMdegree, go to your MyMemphis portal at https://myuofm.memphis.edu, then click the “Student Pages” tab at the top. Select “My degree” from the drop down menu. On the next screen, left side, you’ll see the word/icon “UMdegree”, click on that. When UMdegree opens, click on “Worksheets” on the left side to refresh the information.
  • Review the attached documents:
    • your requirements sheet for English with a concentration in ______.
    • a table showing the English course offerings in Fall (and the next few semesters).  If a box is gray, then the class is NOT offered in that particular semester. The table is divided by concentration with Literature classes on page one, and courses from the other concentrations on page two. The table also shows which classes will have WEB (online) sections.

Although a minor is not required, I recommend you do one because it will help you fulfill some of the hours needed to reach the 120 total hours required for the BA degree.  The list of minors is here, please take a look at your options.  If there’s a minor that you’re interested in, you could take a class for that in Fall. I only include the minor info if they have the hours to do one.

Please be sure to have access to a computer (or other device) so you can view your UofM account during the appointment.

Thanks, and I look forward to speaking with you!



(include email signature with appointment link)

Post Advising



Thank you for meeting with me. I have cleared you to register for classes. This semester you should take the following classes:

  • ENGL 1010
  • MATH 1420
  • CHEM 11110/1111
  • SPAN 2010
  • CJUS 1100

Important notes: Remember to speak with spanish@memphis.edu to request a permit while we wait for your SPAN 1020 credit to arrive from Southwest.

Registration dates:

  • April 1, 2024
    + Degree Seeking Graduate
    + Honors Students
    + UofM Global Undergraduate Students
    + Veterans
    + Students registered with Disability Resources for Students (DRS)
  • April 2, 2024
    + Seniors
    + CARES

  • April 3, 2024
    + Juniors
    + ACAD 1100 Students
  • April 4, 2024
    + Sophomores
    + Continuing Freshmen

Please contact me with any questions



(include email signature with appointment link)

Fall 23 and Spring 24 Advisor Trainings

Fall 2023 Training Schedule

CAS Advising Kickoff will at Lambuth next year so please make plans to attend. We would also like to promote our online majors and minors at Lambuth so we will do a fair from 10  to 11 am  followed by the kickoff at 11:30 am. Collaboration and team work with Lambuth is essential so we are asking all departments to share a table with their Lambuth counterpart during the fair.

Sept 8th – Advising Kickoff At Lambuth

Oct 6th  –  Global Tech Experience with Angela Martin, Updates in World Languages with Robert Kelz,

Nov 3rd  –     CPOS, Career Services

Spring 2024

Feb 2nd – topic TBA

March 1st – topic TBA

April 5th – topic TBA



Students with financial holds who need to drop Spring 2023 classes

If you have a student who wants to drop a class or classes for Spring 2023 and they have a financial hold preventing them from doing so, please tell them to put in a Tiger Help ticket to the Registrar’s Office and we can do it administratively on their behalf. No approval is needed for Spring 2023 drops since if they did not have a financial hold, they would be able to drop themselves through April 8, which is our new 75 percent mark of the term for dropping classes online.


The financial holds recently were applied to block future term registrations (prior to Summer and Fall registration), but the system is an “all or none” so if there is a financial hold, Spring 2023 term is impacted as well.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Thank you!


Merging Advertising and Public Relations majors

Hello AAN!

The Department of Journalism and Strategic Media has merged its Advertising and Public Relations majors, effective the 2023 catalog. This merger has resulted in the merger of 8 courses into four. Most of these merged classes effect majors and minors, so if you have issues with a minor, please refer your student to me and I will assist them.

However, ADVR 3300 – Intro to Advertising and PBRL 3400 – Intro to Public Relations are popular upper-division electives across the university and are required by some programs outside of the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media.

ADVR 3300 and PBRL 3400 both will be offered this summer, online. The courses are live in the schedule now.

 In the fall, ADVR 3300 and PBRL 3400 are merged into STRM 3200 – Intro to Strategic Media. STRM 3200 can count as a substitution for either ADVR 3300 or PBRL 3400. If students need additional substitutions, please contact me and I will help problem solve on a case-by-case basis.



Matthew J. Haught, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Assistant Chair
Department of Journalism & Strategic Media
The University of Memphis
334B Meeman Journalism Building
Memphis, TN 38152901.678.4521 | memphis.edu/jrsm


Difference between Open Electives and Unapplied Electives

per Keri Kerr in the Registrar office

The Open electives are the number of credits still needed to make up the 120 total.  These are the true electives needed for the degree.  It calculates the number of required electives by taking 120 and subtracting the credits in required blocks like GenEd, major, concentration. Whatever is left to make up the 120 is Open electives.

The Unapplied electives are courses that are over the elective credits needed for the 120.   Any courses that are taken that do not fall into a requirement or the open electives category are Unapplied electives.   The student still receives credit in Banner for all electives though.


Courses being taught in English by World Languages and Literatures Faculty

Fall 2023
Courses being taught in English
by World Languages and Literatures Faculty

INTL 3700: State of the World
[MW 12:40-2:05; CRN 96346; Imbedded Honors section: 96347; permit required for both]
An examination of current world issues that may be political, social, economic, or cultural in nature. The emphasis is on gaining a diverse perspective on a variety of issues currently affecting our world, and how they are being portrayed across different media. Students will investigate subjects they find personally or professionally relevant. Class sessions will include discussions of current international news events, and of issues affecting a particular geographical region or a topic of transglobal implications.

LALI 4500: Japanese Culture and Society
[TR 9:40-11:05; CRN 93771]
Study of Japanese culture through hands-on activities along with reading and creating media resources on traditional, popular, and business culture of Japan. Through critical reading of the materials and classroom activities, students will develop critical perspectives and deeper understanding of Japanese culture, its traditions, and social practices.

LALI 4797: French Africa and North America
[TR 1:00-2:25; CRN 96273]
This course is designed for students who wish to further their knowledge of the French-Speaking world around them by looking at cultural conflicts in French-Speaking Africa and North America. This course will look at cultural issues and their implications in the contemporary world, including France and the Negritude movement, education and culture in Africa, the Maghreb and postcolonial Arabization, the complicated cultural relations with France, and Quebec’s conflict with language and religion. No knowledge of French required.

LALI 4798: Game of Thrones and the Middle Ages
[MW 2:20-3:45; CRN 96283]
Game of Thrones was one of the most successful series in recent television history. Roughly based on George R.R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels “A Song of Ice and Fire,” it portrays the violent struggles for power and independence between individuals, kingdoms, dynasties and continents and built on a long tradition of reinterpreting and reimagining the Middle Ages. But what are the Middle Ages? Through analysis both of the hit TV series and of the Medieval historical, literary, and philosophical texts it uses to build its world, this class will explore the many sides of this complex period of history and its continued legacy in our own time.

Feb 3, 2023 Advisor Training

Dear Advisors,


Thank you so much for attending today’s training. We shared great information about the ARMY minor, CPOS and creating generic plans for students who have not registered. Attached is the PowerPoint and the recording.

PowerPoint – Advisor Training Feb 3


Our next meeting is scheduled for March 3rd at 1 pm in Smith Hall Computer Lab, 110. Please send any agenda items or topics you would like to see discussed.




CAS Spring Advisor Training Dates

CAS Advisor Training Dates in Smith 110 at 1 pm.

Spring 2023

Feb 3

March 3

April 7


Spring Preview Day – April 1