Two Year Free Community College…More Bad than Good

   Growing up my family had very little money.  My mother had two children, held a full time job and depended on public assistance programs just to make ends meet.  At the age of fourteen I applied for my workers permit and began my life of employment.  By eighteen I was working three jobs to afford things that I needed and to assist my family.  I knew that I was not internally driven enough to receive scholarships and would not be able to make enough money to afford college on my own.  I also believed that I should never accept a handout unless I was willing to earn it or pay it back.  I made the decision to join the military for five years so that I could receive the Montgomery GI Bill which pays college tuition as a benefit for serving your country.  They also have great programs that pay college tuition while you are serving on active duty to be able to earn your degree while you serve.  The great thing about the military is that while you are receiving all of these benefits you are also being employed, earning a paycheck, free healthcare for you and your family, free housing and a stipend for food.  All of these things are monetary issues that plague families across the country.

  I am not trying to sell the military to anyone, nor am I trying to make anyone else’s life sound better or worse.   I am trying to say that there are many other paths to go to college without expecting the government to give you a free handout. The path that I took is one of many that a person can take to go to college.  I feel that we are beginning to live in a society where the public feels entitled to assistance from the government, which is funded by people who actually pay their taxes, for programs that they themselves can achieve if they work hard or are willing to sacrifice for.  I believe in programs that offer assistance but not handouts or programs that are luxuries not necessities.

  The program that President Obama proposed in his State of the Union Address, offering two years of Community College to everyone, would cost at a minimum 80 million dollars of Federal and State funding over ten years.  Where would the money come from you ask, from tax payers pockets.  Everyday people that are they themselves struggling to keep their heads above the water financially, will be paying for this program through the taxes the government collects every year.  Instead of spending the money on a new program how about improving an existing issue riddled program, our primary and secondary education systems.  Why not spend the money on improving the quality of education, the learning environments and the underpaid and overworked lives of the teachers that give their heart and soul to teach their students the building blocks of education that will assist them throughout the rest of their lives.  Many of the classrooms in public schools are overcrowded, affecting the quality of education and attention that the students receive.  Due to budget cuts many teachers need to pay out of their own pocket or request additional supplies from students that are needed in the classrooms.  There are continuous news reports across the United States on unhealthy and deplorable learning environments in run down public schools that children have to attend. 

  College is not for everyone.  Many would attend because it is “free” that would benefit more by attending vocational training, on the job training programs or internships.  Going to college would delay the individual in getting their foot in the door and learning valuable skills for jobs that do not require degrees.  We have a high dropout rate of students that pay for colleges now in their first two years.  If young adults feel no obligation or responsibility to attend because it is free or drop out, the hard earned taxpayer’s money would yet again be wasted.

  The free two year community college program is a waste of taxpayer’s money.  It creates more issues than it fixes, doesn’t fix existing public educational issues, reinforces entitlement behaviors and can be very detrimental to those that would be better suited for other career paths than college.  The government should spend their time trying to fix the broken public programs we have now instead of forcing new ones on hard working Americans.

3,791 thoughts on “Two Year Free Community College…More Bad than Good

  1. I agree with you where you say that our current public education is in many cases low quality. Teachers are not appreciated and all students are not motivated to learn. I do not however believe this initiative to be a “handout”. There was a time when high school was not free and you had to pay to go. It was not a handout for the government to allow people to further educate themselves. It was seen as necessary to have a more educated population to make better decisions about the future of our country.

    Back to motivation, although not fully inaccurate, I think you have an incomplete idea about the rate of college dropouts. Do people drop out only because they can’t handle the atmosphere or is it because they simply cannot financially afford to continue? There are scholarships and grants, however they are all limited as far as how many people can actually attain them. Research shows that the reason majority of students drop out of college in the first 2 years is because of the financial struggle and burden. The students who have college cost handled and paid for by various sources are the ones who are more likely to drop out due to unbalanced social life or inability to do the work. Do we want people to have to earn the right to have an education or do we want to promote a better chance to climb the social ladder?

    Now this is not to say that all students should just be automatically enrolled. There should still be an application process to ensure the seriousness of the students attending the institution. This being based on scholastic merit will encourage students to study better in high school, rather than wonder what’s the point? Social mobility in America is very difficult. To rise from the bottom to the top isn’t as easy or commonplace as we have seen in movies or the every so often stories of success.

    The benefits of free higher education will greatly outweigh the cost that we as a society we would pay, afterall we’ve done it before with high school. When splitting the cost between the 3 million american’s it will come to a mere few cents on the floors of our cars so that the boy with an american dream has the ability to pursue it.

  2. I understand that many ideas which seem good on the surface are sometimes not completely thought out to its completion. The logistics of good intentions often reveal its flaws. With that said I recently attended a TN Promise meeting which offers Tennessee high school seniors a community college education. This money comes into play where FASFA leaves off. For those kids who qualify for full support the don’t access this money at all. In my eyes this helps out those who work everyday, are maybe married and need help sending their kids to College. If my tax money helps I’ll gladly give it.

  3. I agree with your blog and they the way you put it.Going the school for two year for free is great but people will try to take control of it. Only because FASFA is set up. If student is allowed to receive FASFA many of student will just take the money and not come back to school. That the bad thing about people going to school for free. The way i would fix that is student would receive there FASFA in the middle of the semester then the begging of the semester. Only because people will not own up to staying in school. I like when you said ” Many would attend because it is “free” that would benefit more by attending vocational training, on the job training programs or internships.” because it will give people the confident to be something in life

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  476. The cost to buy and sell on Binance involves several types of fees, including trading fees, deposit fees, and withdrawal fees. Understanding these costs is crucial when learning how to buy and sell on Binance. Here’s a breakdown of the primary costs associated with trading on Binance:

    ### Trading Fees:
    – **Spot Trading Fees:** The standard fee for spot trading on Binance is 0.1% per trade for both makers (those who add liquidity to the order book) and takers (those who take liquidity off the order book). This means you will pay 0.1% of the total trade amount when you execute a buy or sell order.
    – **Fee Discounts:** You can reduce your trading fees by:
    – Using Binance Coin (BNB) to pay for trading fees, which offers a discount (typically around 25%).
    – Increasing your 30-day trading volume or holding a certain amount of BNB, which can qualify you for lower fee tiers.

    ### Deposit Fees:
    – **Cryptocurrency Deposits:** Binance generally does not charge fees for depositing cryptocurrencies into your account.
    – **Fiat Deposits:** Fees for depositing fiat currencies (e.g., USD, EUR) depend on the payment method used. Some methods may incur fees, while others might be free.

    ### Withdrawal Fees:
    – **Cryptocurrency Withdrawals:** Each cryptocurrency has its own withdrawal fee, which varies depending on the network conditions and specific coin. For example, withdrawing Bitcoin (BTC) might cost a small fixed fee, which is subject to change.
    – **Fiat Withdrawals:** Fees for withdrawing fiat currencies vary based on the withdrawal method and the country. Bank transfers, for example, might have different fees compared to using other payment services.

    ### Steps on How to Buy and Sell on Binance:
    1. **Create and Verify Your Account:**
    – **Register:** Sign up for a Binance account at
    – **KYC Verification:** Complete the KYC verification process to unlock higher withdrawal limits and additional features.

    2. **Fund Your Account:**
    – **Deposit Crypto:** Transfer cryptocurrencies from your external wallet to your Binance account.
    – **Deposit Fiat:** Use bank transfers, credit/debit cards, or other supported methods to deposit fiat currency.

    3. **Buy Crypto:**
    – **Spot Trading:** Navigate to the “Trade” section and select “Spot.” Choose the trading pair (e.g., BTC/USDT) and enter the amount you wish to buy.
    – **Execute Order:** Place a market order (buys at the current market price) or a limit order (buys when the price reaches your specified level).

    4. **Sell Crypto:**
    – **Spot Trading:** Go to the “Trade” section and select “Spot.” Choose the trading pair for the asset you wish to sell.
    – **Execute Order:** Place a market order to sell at the current price or a limit order to sell at your desired price.

    5. **Withdraw Funds:**
    – **Withdraw Crypto:** Transfer cryptocurrencies from your Binance account to your external wallet by navigating to the “Wallet” section and selecting “Withdraw.”
    – **Withdraw Fiat:** Transfer fiat currencies to your bank account or other supported methods through the “Withdraw” option in the “Fiat and Spot” section.

    ### Conclusion:
    Understanding the fees involved is crucial when learning how to buy and sell on Binance. While trading fees are relatively low at 0.1% per trade, using BNB for fees and increasing your trading volume can reduce these costs further. Depositing cryptocurrencies is usually free, but there may be fees for fiat deposits and withdrawals, as well as varying fees for cryptocurrency withdrawals. By following the outlined steps, you can efficiently manage your trades and associated costs on Binance.

  477. Binance is primarily known as a cryptocurrency exchange rather than a traditional broker. While the term “broker” is often associated with financial services that facilitate the buying and selling of assets on behalf of clients, Binance operates as a cryptocurrency exchange where users can trade various cryptocurrencies directly with each other or with the platform.

    ### Distinction between Exchanges and Brokers:

    1. **Cryptocurrency Exchange (e.g., Binance):**
    – **Direct Trading:** Exchanges like Binance provide a platform for users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other. Users place orders on the exchange’s order book, and trades are executed based on market demand and supply.
    – **Access to Markets:** Exchanges offer access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies and trading pairs, allowing users to buy, sell, and exchange digital assets.

    2. **Brokerage Services:**
    – **Intermediary Role:** Brokers act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, executing trades on behalf of their clients in various financial markets, including stocks, forex, and commodities.
    – **Additional Services:** Brokers may offer additional services such as investment advice, portfolio management, and research reports to assist clients in making informed trading decisions.

    ### Binance’s Role in the Crypto Market:

    – **Cryptocurrency Exchange:** Binance operates as one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges globally, providing a platform for users to trade a wide range of digital assets.
    – **Additional Services:** In addition to spot trading, Binance offers various services such as futures trading, margin trading, staking, savings accounts, and more.
    – **Regulatory Compliance:** Binance adheres to regulatory standards and compliance requirements in jurisdictions where it operates, ensuring a secure and transparent trading environment for users.

    ### Conclusion:
    While Binance is not a traditional broker in the sense of facilitating trades in traditional financial markets, it functions as a leading cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for users to trade digital assets. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, exchanges like Binance play a vital role in enabling individuals to participate in the growing digital economy. Visit:

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    Creating a blockchain project can be an exciting way to dive into the world of decentralized technology. Here are a few blockchain project ideas that can help you understand and leverage the potential of blockchain:

    1. **Cryptocurrency Wallet**:
    Develop a secure cryptocurrency wallet that supports multiple currencies. The wallet can include features like transaction history, QR code scanning, and exchange rates.

    2. **Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Application**:
    Create a DeFi platform that offers services like lending, borrowing, and earning interest on cryptocurrency deposits. This project will help you explore smart contracts and the Ethereum blockchain.

    3. **Supply Chain Management System**:
    Implement a blockchain-based supply chain solution to track the origin, movement, and authenticity of products. This can be particularly useful in industries like food, pharmaceuticals, and luxury goods.

    4. **Voting System**:
    Build a secure and transparent voting system using blockchain. This project can address issues related to voter fraud and enhance the integrity of the electoral process.

    5. **NFT Marketplace**:
    Develop a marketplace for buying, selling, and trading non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This involves creating smart contracts and integrating with existing blockchain networks like Ethereum.

    6. **Health Records Management**:
    Create a blockchain-based system for managing and sharing electronic health records. This ensures patient data privacy, security, and accessibility across different healthcare providers.

    7. **Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)**:
    Develop a DAO that allows community members to make decisions through a decentralized voting process. This project will help you understand governance models in blockchain.

    8. **Identity Verification System**:
    Implement a blockchain solution for verifying identities. This can be used for KYC (Know Your Customer) processes in financial institutions, reducing fraud and enhancing security.

    9. **Blockchain-Based Real Estate Platform**:
    Create a platform for managing real estate transactions, including property listings, buyer-seller agreements, and ownership transfers, all recorded on a blockchain.

    10. **Charity and Donation Platform**:
    Build a transparent donation platform where contributors can track their donations and see how funds are utilized. This enhances trust and accountability in charitable organizations.

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    Registration Procedure
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    Step 2: Prepare recycling agreement between the recycler and manufacturer.

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    Documents Required
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  1197. Hb88 được biết đến là một trong số ít những địa chỉ cung cấp dịch vụ giải trí trực tuyến chất lượng. Mặc dù có tuổi đời thành lập ít hơn nhiều nền tảng hiện nay nhưng cũng lại sở hữu lượng thành viên đông đảo không kém. Điều này đến từ tầm nhìn chiến lược của đội ngũ quản trị. Chú trọng đến việc xây dựng giá trị cốt lõi chứ không chỉ nhìn vào lợi ích ngắn hạn.

  1198. Go789 được biết đến là sân chơi cá cược đáng trải nghiệm bậc nhất hiện nay. Nơi đây được đánh giá tốt về mọi mặt từ số lượng sản phẩm game cho đến chất lượng của từng trò chơi tiêu khiển. Đến đây, hội viên sẽ được tận hưởng đấu trường cá cược xanh chín, săn ưu đãi cực căng và nhiều hơn thế nữa.

  1199. S666 được biết đến là một trong số ít những địa chỉ cung cấp dịch vụ giải trí trực tuyến chất lượng. Mặc dù có tuổi đời thành lập ít hơn nhiều nền tảng hiện nay nhưng cũng lại sở hữu lượng thành viên đông đảo không kém. Điều này đến từ tầm nhìn chiến lược của đội ngũ quản trị. Chú trọng đến việc xây dựng giá trị cốt lõi chứ không chỉ nhìn vào lợi ích ngắn hạn.

  1200. Rikvip là một trong những cổng game bài đổi thưởng trực tuyến chất lượng hàng đầu tại thị trường Việt Nam. Với những tính năng hiện đại, dịch vụ đa dạng và một loạt các cơ hội đặt cược hấp dẫn, sân chơi đã nhanh chóng làm hài lòng rất nhiều cược thủ và nhận được nhiều lời khen ngợi.

  1201. This blog is really like a chat buddy who always has an interesting story. Every time I stop by, I never know what Im going to find, but thats what makes it interesting. The writing is very natural, like its not forced. It feels like a casual chat in the afternoon, whether about light things or sometimes there are some that make you think deeper. I like how this blog doesnt focus too much on one topic, so Im always curious about what will be discussed next. Thank you for always sharing in such a comfortable way to read!

  1202. Visiting this blog feels like being in a cozy living room, where each article is like a story from a friend who comes without a specific agenda but is always full of surprises. There is no theme that is followed, but that is what makes each post feel fresh and unexpected. I love how the author can capture the essence of simple things and convey them in a way that is so relatable. Every time I read, it feels like I get a little slice of life that is often overlooked but turns out to be so meaningful. This blog is a kind of soothing relief from the daily routine, and I cant wait to continue following the new stories that will come.

  1203. This blog is like a perfect blend of casual conversation and deep reflection. Although the topics are diverse and not tied to a particular theme, each article always manages to touch on another side of life that I may have not noticed before. I love how the author can package various experiences and thoughts into a flowing story that feels very close to our daily lives. It feels like chatting with an old friend who always has a new and interesting perspective. Every time I stop by here, I always get something that makes me think deeper or just smile to myself. This blog is really a fun place to spend time and get new inspiration.

  1204. Splay là một trong những nền tảng cá cược trực tuyến hàng đầu tại Việt Nam và châu Á. Với giao diện thân thiện, dễ sử dụng và hệ thống bảo mật cao, SPLAY đã nhanh chóng chiếm được lòng tin của người chơi.

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  1206. This blog always has something that makes me smile or even think deeper. The writing style is really nice, like a casual chat without pressure. Even though there is no clear theme, each article feels rich with new thoughts and perspectives. I love how the author can take simple things and turn them into stories that flow so naturally. It feels like finding a comfortable place in the middle of the often busy internet. Here, I can sit, read, and enjoy every word written in peace. This blog is truly my favorite place to take a break from the routine.

  1207. Every time I visit this blog, it feels like opening a window to a new world. The writing flows so naturally, and I always feel like Im having a casual chat with an old friend. Theres no forced feel, everything feels light but still full of meaning. I love how the author can turn simple things into relevant and touching stories. Every article gives me a comfortable feeling, like finding a little sanctuary amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Keep writing, because this blog really adds color to the internet!

  1208. There is something enjoyable every time I read this blog. Although there is no big theme that binds, each article always has its own charm. It feels like having an unplanned chat with someone who always has an interesting story. I love the way the author takes simple moments and presents them so naturally and freshly. This blog has become my favorite place to just relax and enjoy a quiet moment, without having to think too hard. Every time I finish reading, there is always something left, whether it is inspiration or just a small smile.

  1209. Cổng game Sonclub luôn là lựa chọn hoàn hảo dành cho nhiều cược thủ. Với nhiều ưu điểm hấp dẫn, cổng game đã nhanh chóng nằm trong top những địa chỉ giải trí game bài đổi thưởng được yêu thích tại Việt Nam. Để mang tới trải nghiệm hấp dẫn dành cho người chơi, cổng game đã luôn nỗ lực trong việc phát triển mỗi ngày.

  1210. I always enjoy visiting here. The writing never feels stiff, instead it feels flowing and easy to read. This blog is like a little oasis in the middle of my busy life, a place where I can sit for a moment and enjoy a relaxed yet meaningful story. Although the topics are sometimes random, thats what makes this blog feel more alive and not tied to one thing. Thank you for always sharing stories in such a light way but still makes me think and reflect.

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  1213. There is something so comforting every time I read this blog. The writing always manages to make me feel connected, even though the topics are not always consistent. It is precisely because there is no fixed theme that this blog is full of surprises, and I love that I find something new here every time. It feels like having a friend who always has a different story every time they meet, and that makes me always look forward to the next article. Keep writing, because I am sure many feel the same way as I do.

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  1217. I really like how every article on this blog can bring me to a calm and pleasant atmosphere. The writing really feels like a light dialogue, without being too serious but still full of meaning. This blog has a unique way of engaging the reader, even though the topics are varied. It feels like reading someones honest and sincere diary, and it makes me feel more connected. Its always fun to stop by here and find something new and fresh.

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  1220. There is something special about this blog. Every time I read it, it feels like I have found a safe haven in the midst of my busy life. The writing flows so naturally, as if we are having a casual conversation. I love how each article feels light yet still leaves a deep impression. There are no themes that are too heavy, but that is what keeps me coming back. This is one of those blogs that can inspire and entertain at the same time, and I always look forward to the next article.

  1221. This blog always manages to bring me to a relaxed and calming atmosphere. Every time I read it, it feels like I’m chatting with an old friend. The writing is simple yet meaningful, and there’s always a little lesson to be learned. I love how the author can make everyday things seem interesting and fun. Even though the topics are different, they all feel connected in a unique way. This blog has truly become my favorite place to unwind and enjoy a fun story.

  1222. Every time I visit this blog, it always feels fun. The relaxed and not too formal writing style makes me feel comfortable. Even though there is no specific theme, I can still enjoy every article. The writing feels very natural, like chatting with an old friend. Sometimes it can make us think, sometimes it can make us smile to ourselves. This blog is really a fun place to escape from the daily routine.

  1223. There is something that makes this blog different from the others. The writings feel very close, like chatting with someone we have known for a long time. There is no forced impression, everything flows naturally. Although the themes can vary, I always feel that there is something interesting to learn from each article. I feel like this blog is a fun place to relax, read, and gain new insights. Thank you for always sharing stories in a light but meaningful way.

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  1228. Game bài đổi thưởng xứng đáng là sản phẩm cá cược được nhiều người quan tâm và ưa thích. Sự đa dạng về trò chơi, chơi đơn giản và có mức thưởng lớn là những thế mạnh tiêu biểu làm nên thương hiệu cho các loại game bài. Hy vọng thông tin trong bài viết này hữu ích với các anh em đang muốn tìm hiểu về hình thức cá cược này!

  1229. Go789 nổi lên như một “thiên đường giải trí đỉnh cao” dành riêng cho những tín đồ yêu thích sự hồi hộp và phấn khích. Với một hệ thống trò chơi đa dạng, từ các trò chơi đẳng cấp đến những game cá cược thể thao hấp dẫn, Go789 không chỉ đáp ứng nhu cầu giải trí mà còn mở ra cơ hội trúng triệu giải thưởng cho người chơi. Được thiết kế với giao diện người dùng thân thiện và công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến, Go789 cam kết mang đến trải nghiệm giải trí tuyệt vời và an toàn nhất.

  1230. Rikvip là một trong những địa chỉ cổng game đẳng cấp bậc nhất, nổi tiếng với nhiều trò chơi cá cược hấp dẫn với tỷ lệ trả thưởng cao. Với sự nỗ lực và phát triển không ngừng nghỉ, cổng game hiện đang thu hút được hàng triệu người chơi tham gia đăng ký mỗi ngày. Chúng tôi cam kết mang đến một sân chơi cá cược uy tín đảm bảo anh em có thể kiếm thêm thu nhập và tạo nên không gian giải trí tuyệt vời nhất.

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  1235. Splay là một trong những nền tảng cá cược trực tuyến hàng đầu tại Việt Nam và châu Á. Với giao diện thân thiện, dễ sử dụng và hệ thống bảo mật cao, SPLAY đã nhanh chóng chiếm được lòng tin của người chơi. Sau đây, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết về các trò chơi, ưu điểm và những lý do vì sao SPLAY là lựa chọn hàng đầu cho những ai yêu thích cá cược trực tuyến.

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  1237. Game bài đổi thưởng đang nằm trong top sản phẩm được nhiều người yêu thích. Điều này được chứng minh qua việc có rất nhiều sảnh cược ra mắt thị trường, thu hút hàng triệu lượt người đăng ký tài khoản và tham gia.

  1238. This blog always makes me feel comfortable every time I read it. The relaxed writing style, without too many rules, makes me feel like Im chatting with a close friend. Although the topics are diverse, they all feel relevant and relevant. Every time I read it, there is always something new that I can take away, whether its just a new look or a small reflection of everyday life. Keep writing, because your writing always gives positive energy!

  1239. Keonhacai là một trong những trang cập nhật đa dạng các loại kèo cược đang được sử dụng phổ biến để đặt cược thể thao hiện nay.

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  1242. Sv66 là nhà cái trực tuyến nổi bật với sự kiện kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập, mang đến cho người chơi cơ hội tham gia vào các chương trình khuyến mãi hấp dẫn. Cùng rất nhiều chương trình khuyến mãi mang rất nhiều lợi ích cho thành viên tham gia, tạo ra một sân chơi công bằng và thú vị.

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