le vendredi 22 avril 2016

Activités en classe —

  • QuizI handed back the last quiz. I’ll drop the lowest 2 quiz scores for the semester. People did really well overall!
  • Expression écrite. I handed back the last composition. People wrote interesting compositions about the destinations they chose and general the grammar and vocab were pretty good, too.
    • Optional: you can do a second, corrected version and turn it in by Monday, May 2.
    • Late work. If you haven’t done the composition yet for Module 9, you can do it for late credit. Deadline: Monday, May 2.
  • Extra credit
    • Info here on a final extra credit assignment you can do to get bonus points
    • If you do it, it will replace a zero, or if you don’t have a zero, it will replace your lowest score where it will help your grade out the most.
  • iLrn
    • I apologize for the mistake on the settings for the final iLrn exercises. Some exercises did not give you sample answers after your first attempt.
    • I will give people full credit on those even if you made mistakes, as well as corrections as usual on any personalized answers or anything that you didn’t get completely correct.
    • Late work. If there are any iLrns you haven’t done yet  for Module 9, you can do it for late credit. Deadline: Monday, May 2.
  • Oral presentations
  • Final exam
  • Culture

DEVOIRS, annonces, etc. —

  • Extra credit
    • Info here on a final extra credit assignment you can do to get bonus points
    • If you do it, it will replace a zeroor if you don’t have a zero, it will replace your lowest score where it will help your grade out the most.
  • Deadline for turning in any remaining work. Monday, May 2 for
    • The last extra credit assignment (Info here)
    • Optional Expression écrite corrected version (original instructions: Expression écrite)
    • Any Module 9 late work (iLrn or first version of Expression écrite)
  • If you have any questions, just let me know!

À bientôt !

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