
When seeking an entry level position, the first step is to complete a job application. In the last module, we have already touched on asking for a job application.  Many big companies already have these applications available online.   In fact, some stores like Target have computers set up for you to complete your application on site.

If your preference is to complete your job application online, do some research to see if there is an application available.  Make sure that you are on the genuine corporate site.  Since you will be entering sensitive information like your name and social security number the best idea is to go to the corporate site and search for career opportunities.  A quick search for McDonald’s job application took me to a site that has nothing to do with McDonald’s, so be careful!

First if you are going to ask for a copy of a job application in person, do it yourself.  Do not have a friend or family member get it for you.  The job market is competitive, and a potential employer will respect you more if you ask for the application personally.  Make sure that you are polite, groomed, and dressed appropriately.  Business casual is an appropriate way to dress for an entry level position.

Secondly, whether you are completing an application in person or online you will need to have some information at your fingertips.  Prepare yourself by having:

        • your professional email address
        • days of the week and hours that you are available
        • your social security number
        • the name of your high school
        • your GPA
        • information about any past employment
          1. company name
          2. telephone number
          3. dates worked
          4. hourly pay
          5. name of your supervisor
          6. reason for leaving
        • a list of references–people who can speak positively about you.  Have their telephone numbers and email addresses with you.
        • 2 pens if you are applying for the job in person

If you do not have this information, get it before attempting to fill out an application.  Once you have gathered all of the information you are ready!  It is extremely important to be honest when filling out an application.  If you have been dishonest on your job application your employer can fire you.  Many applications can now be found online.  Some link’s to popular entry level jobs include:

For your convenience, I have provided the links to some companies who offer opportunities to young people:







Gap/Old Navy

Dollar General

The next step is to complete the application.  There are a couple of quick tips that I can offer you for this process.  Complete the application carefully.  You want to make sure that you fill in all of the information that is requested of you.  Unfortunately, incomplete applications typically wind up in the trash.  If I were a store manager and someone came in for a job and they were able to complete the application in one sitting it would be impressive to me!

Also make sure that you write neatly.  You want the employer to be able to read all of the great qualities about you and to be able to contact you.  If you are completing your application online double check your spelling.  Once again, your application speaks to your personal branding.

Never leave any questions blank, except for the experience question if  you do not have any experience from other jobs.  Employers who have entry level positions available understand that you might not have any work experience yet.   If you are asked a question about why the job should be given to you, or if you have any special skills or talents never leave that question blank.  Make sure that you have a sentence or two why you are the right person for the job.

If you do not have any work experience think about your soft skills and how you can use them to your advantage.


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