Course Introduction

Welcome to the Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation Career Readiness course!  We are excited that you have joined us to learn more about finding your dream career.  Some of you may already know what field you would like to go into, while others might need some time to figure it out.

In just a few generations, the world has changed drastically.  As I headed off to college, my choices of majors were very different than those that today’s students have to choose from.  Our scope was much more limited, meaning we had fewer choices.  Your choices can be overwhelming!

Our hope is to share with you some tips, strategies and plans for maximizing your journey in life.  There are parts of your life that will happen by chance, but most of your life will happen by choice and by putting yourself at the right place at the right time.  This course will be designed to prepare you to do so.

In order to get to know one another better in our virtual classroom, your first assignment is to change your avatar.  You can do so by clicking the dashboard in the upper left hand corner of the blog.  Once you do so, you will see a place for you to upload your photo on the right side of the screen.

After you have done so, please watch the the Steve Jobs video, Create Your Own Life .  It is only 46 seconds long, but the message is oh so powerful!  “Everything around you, that you call life, was made up by people no smarter than you.  You can change it, you can influence it.”

Discussion Question:  Please share a thoughtful discussion post with the class that describes your dreams, and how you would like to change the world.

158 thoughts on “Course Introduction

  1. Hello Mrs. Penwell I am Rickeya Cannon. I attend Whitehaven. I”m apart of the Peer Power group that met with you over the summer. I was informing you about the Steve Jobs Video Link above. I”m not able to access it.

  2. My dream is to become successful enough to not only influence future generations to work hard for what they want in life, but to also ensure that my family is guaranteed to have economic and financial prosperity.

  3. My name is Emily and I aspire to become a nurse practitioner. I want to help those who are sick, ill, and who are not able to take care of themselves. I want to change the world by helping those who are less fortune than me and to help people live longer.

  4. Hello all,
    My name is Briana Osei. I attend East High School and am a part of the Peer Power Foundation. My dreams are to work in a Pharmacy in Memphis or in Hollandale, Mississippi giving back to the future generations in the communities that have benefited me. In order to obtain my Pharmacy degree, I plan to obtain my undergraduate degree from the University of Arkansas Little Rock or the University of Memphis. I am undecided on whether I want to study Biochemistry or Biomedical Engineering. After I obtain my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend Pharmacy school at Xavier University or the University of Arkansas Medical School. I would like to change the world by helping others stay healthy. I believe that a healthier community makes room for more people to be served.

  5. Hello, my name Kayne Brown. I am an honors student and I attend East High School. I am also a part of the Peer Power program. My dream is to go through the engineering program and study my hardest so that I can prosper in the field of architectural engineering. I want to be known for having helped build great sized skyscrapers and towers. My dream is to have my name known around the world for either designing or creating famous buildings. My passion is the great sport of basketball. Since a little kid I have loved the game. My eyes light up every time I see a basketball and a goal. I just can’t wait to play.

  6. My name is Marquette Webb, I am Sophomore currently attending East high school .My GPA is a 3.8 ,I like to play basketball and spending time with friends .Intelligent And hardworking is me ,That’s two reasons why I’m a tutor with a awesome program named peer power .Their currently helping achieve my goals to be a civil engineer

  7. Hello Mrs.Penwell my name is Robert Nisby and I am a high school tutor in the Peer Power program. I am a junior at East High School and my talents seem to be strong in poetry,dancing, and tutoring peers. My career goal is to reach the C.I.A by attending the Air Force Academy.
    I believe i would be a great addition to formulating a better world by my leadership capabilities and the great ideas i posses for the future.

  8. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Jenna Pinson. I am a sophomore at East High School and also a part of the Peer Power Foundation. My dream is to attend Vanderbilt University where I want to become an Aerospace Engineer. Once I have become an Aerospace Engineer, I would change the world by improving a specific aircraft that will be able to let others explore and possibly live in outer space. I would like for other people to explore and possibly live in outer space because I believe that everyone should be able to understand and experience their surroundings.

  9. I am Joseph Perry Hello Mrs. Penwell my name is Joseph Perry, I’m awesome at everything believe that. I am a Peer Power high school tutor. My aspiration in life is to become a singer. I am a strong speaker, and listener. I know that Anything i put my mind to i am capable of being the best.

    I Would like to change the world with my voice. I love to sing and is a passion and aspiration of mine. I want to make a difference in this world, so that people can see i was here on this planet.
    Through my voice i will leave my marl, people will understand, that I gave my all, did my best and brought someone some happiness, left this world a little better through my voice. That is how i will change the world.

  10. Good afternoon, My name is Jalon Netters, I attend East High School, with the honor of being the Class President of 2014 and National Honors Society President. While maintaining succinct order of the many tasks being assigned, I have to sustain my grades in order to keep my positions. The help that I recieve on a daily basis comes from the Peer Power Foundation, designed for students who want to pursue academics for the next level. That next level for me is to embrace the field of Business Management for a better economical society. With business managment, I will be very conducive in understanding the assignments being in task. With the right direction and leadership, my dream is to not only provide success for myself, but to give back to my community who aided me with the assitance of getting to that next level.

  11. Hello,

    My name is Wali Langford, I am a Sophomore at East High School and a part of the Peer Power Foundation. I aspire to become an Aeronautical Engineer or an Air Traffic Controller. My preferred university is Stanford. After graduating top of my class, I will work at FedEx or Pinnacle Airlines. The reason I choose these two is because I have experienced the work settings and surroundings. These are my goals in life.

  12. Hello, my name is Corey Brooks. I am a sophomore at Memphis East High School, and I am also a part of the Peer Power program located here. I plan to change the world by enhancing prosthetics. I plan on going in the field of biomedical engineering in my future. My dream is to graduate with honors from Florida State University with a degree in biomedical engineering. In my spare time I enjoy playing baseball; my favorite position is centerfield. As of now, I am in the engineering program here at East. I really like this class, because I think it is preparing me for my future in engineering. One day I want to be known for helping others, and building foundations towards enhancing mankind.

  13. Hello, my name is Zachery. I attend Memphis East High School, where I am currently a sophomore. I am also apart of the Peer Power program where I am a high school tutor. My hobbies include playing video games, reading sports articles, and playing basketball. I plan to enhance the world through the development of advancing computer technology. In the future I plan to go into the field Computer Science or the IT field. My dream is to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Duke. To help my dreams come true, I am apart of the engineering program at East. The engineering program can help me achieve a scholarship of any college I want to attend of my designed field. For the world I want to help everyone achieve a feasible access to technology.

  14. My name is Detrice Bennett and I am a senior at East High School. I aspire to have a successful carrer in the U.S Army and graduate with a bachelors in Psychology. My plan to change the world is to get my masters in Psychology so that I can work at a V.A Hospital. I want to change the world by eleviating pressure and stress off of veterans so they can better adjust to and lead normal lives.

    • Dear Detrice–

      Thank you very much for your post, it really touched me. Many of the brave men and women that have given everything to serve us and protect our freedoms face insurmountable odds when they return from their service. Knowing that there are caring young people out there who are so proactive about treating issues like PTSD makes me really proud. Our new Provost at the University of Memphis, Dr. Rudd has a background in psychology. He is also very interested in veteran related issues. Maybe we can arrange for a time for you to meet with him. Thank you for sharing your post with us!



  15. Good afternoon Ms. Penwell, I attend Memphis East High School. I am apart of the Peer Power Cooperation. In response to the discussion question and in addition my previous post, I intend to fly MV-22 Ospreys for the United States Marine Core.My purpose for flying planes in the military is to gain tactical skills and experience for my next job, Central Intelligence. In my spare time go hunting and I play basketball.

    • Hello Zacharias–

      It sounds like you have done your research! Have you ever given any thought into a career with the Department of Homeland Security?



  16. My name is Toni Smith. I am a senior at East High School a I am a part of the Peer Power Foundation. My dream is to become an awesome math teacher. I want to help students to make beneficial decisions that would help them to have a better life. That would produce a generation of students that would change the world with the choices they would make.

    • Hello Toni–

      Thank you for sharing your dreams. A math teacher is a great career choice! It is one of the areas within education that has a critical need. Your desire to help students also lets me know that you are on the right career pathway. That is what teaching is really all about!



  17. Hi Mrs. Penwell, my name is Yasmine Davis. My dreams are to attend Vanderbilt University, and graduate with a master’s degree. I wish to become an Bio-medical engineer or a mechanical engineer (undecided). I want to change the world with my future careers by helping the disabled and developing medical technologies.

    • Hello Yasmine–

      Nashville is a wonderful city, and Vanderbilt is a great choice for your educational future. My hope is that you will finish your school and come back to Memphis! Our city needs to keep the best and the brightest close by. What is driving your passion for engineering?



  18. Hello Mrs. Penwell my name is Caneilius Nelson. I am a 16 year old kid at East High School. My current GPA is a 4.0. I love spending time with my friends. I am an astute scholar in mathematics and science. I am a tutor for this organization called Peer Power. Math is my favorite subject, and i love technology. I want to attend the U.S. Navy or the Marine Corps. I want to pursue a lifetime dream of becoming a Bio-medical Engineer, designing prosthetic body parts. Being a Bio-medical Engineer will allow me to help those who has lost or were never born with arms, legs, and other physical body parts experience something they once had or never had. I think I could change the world because some people could be left out on something because of their disabilities. I would want them to enjoy life as a normal person would.

    • Caneilius–

      Thank you for sharing. Do you know about Smith & Nephew, Wright Medical, and Medtronic all located here in Memphis? I am sure they would all be excited to learn about your dreams for the future. Your post tells me that you are very thoughtful and kind.



  19. Greetings, Mrs. Penwell. My name is Destiny Henderson. My dreams run wild, such as, my various talents of creativity and a simple bass of rythum. I honestly can’t say that I have a permanent or long term goal in my life, but more of a passion to see existance in a different perspective. To show the true colors of uniqueness and the pure harmonius sounds of equality. Even if my efforts are never recognized or made public, I still obtained the sweetness of life in its true and full form by helping those around me.

    • Dear Destiny–

      Thank you very much for sharing your post, and most of all for sharing your comfort in who you are. The idea is to see how to harness all of your creativity, innovative mindset and passion for making a difference into a direction, if not a career path. Something tells me that you may be a future entrepreneur. Have you ever thought of owning your own business?



  20. Hello,my name is Kaleb Dones. I am an aspiring scholar attending East High School. I am in the tenth grade and an optional student. In maintaining a 4.0 GPA, I strive for only the highest. I am enrolled in the engineering program at East High and later plan on attending college at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. My dream is to major in the field of Computer Engineering. As a graduate of the University of Tennessee Knoxville, I plan on working for Sony Computer Entertainment Corporation of America. I am a very well disciplined, determined, and dedicated person in regards towards reaching my goals and dreams. I also believe that through my hardwork, perserverance, and endurance I can achieve amazing things. All in all, I know I am an amazing indiviual and I will one day bring about a great change to this world. I plan on bringing about a great change by using Computer Technology to expand human knowledge and human understanding. This technology I shall create will allow people to understand each other, end suffering, change lives, and finally lead to a world of benevolence. This is my dream and the future I plan to create.

  21. My name is Ontarius “OJ” Johnson. Math is my favorite subject and I want to attend University of Tennesse Knoxville and earn my master’s degree in Civil Engineering. As a Civil Engineer, I wish to make traveling easier, by creating structural shortcuts. Another goal for me as a Civil Engineer is to make all transportation just as continuous as sidewalks, and simply what I mean by that is getting rid stop signs and redlights. My last goal as a Civil Engineer is to design structures that will be durable for longer than several decades.

    • Dear OJ–

      It is always refreshing to read about students dreams to innovate. My hope is that you continue to foster your outside of the box thinking! Thank you so much for sharing!



  22. Hello, my name is Edjaina Hester. I am a sophmore at East High School and apart of the Peer Power Foudation. When I graduate, I want to be number 1 of my class and have a 4.0 gpa. I want to go to the University of Oklahoma and become a Architectural Engineer Manager. Then, I want to attain a Masters degree in Graphic Design. I want to start a group for teenage girls that will help them get into the Engineering field where they can persue their dreams and see their hardwork pay off. I want my organization to grow internationally, showing teenage girls that there are mutiple options to become successful. I am determined to reach my goals and create an organization that can change the world.

    • hello Edjaina–

      Thank you for your post! Your aspirations to be valedictorian are certainly impressive. I would love to introduce you to Shelia Moses over at the University of Memphis. Shelia does a lot of work promoting new opportunities within engineering to young women in the Memphis community. She would certainly be a wonderful mentor for you!



  23. Hello, my name is Marlena Oliver and currently a senior at East High School. I am the Community Service Coordinator of the Class of 2014, National Honors Society Member, H.O.S.A.( Health Occupations Students of America) Treasurer, and Student Council Treasurer. I have a passion for changing lives and making a difference and by doing that I particpate in an amount of community service. While doing this I believe I can change the World with my well doing. I have an amazing dream to major in Aerospace and minor in Military Science at Middle Tennessee State University. After that dream is accomplished, I plan to join the Military and enjoy a career with the Military.

  24. Good Afternoon Everyone,
    My name in Norman Harris II. I attend East High School as a participant in the Health Science Program and President of the Class of 2015. After school, I partake in a program known as Peer Power, where my role is to tutor and mentor scholars both academically and socially. Outside of school, I enjoy martial arts, through which I have obtained a 3rd degree black belt.

    My dream and goal in life is to change the world through medicine. After high school I plan to major in biomedical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, then continue my studies at Emory University . I aspire to become a physician assistant. I know that with my attitude and skillset, there is nothing that I cannot do. I am certain that every dream and goal I have set for myself, I will achieve it.

    • Dear Norm–

      Thank you very much for sharing! Your goals, as well as your passion for the pursuit of your dreams are genuinely impressive. Without a doubt, I am already impressed with how much you have accomplished. Well done!


  25. Hello, my name is Rickeya Cannon. I attend Whitehaven High School, where I am currently a sophomore. I am also apart of the Peer Power program where I am a high school tutor. My hobbies include playing computer activites,watching television and playing volleyball.My dream is become an Elementary School Teacher.I would like to persue my dreams at University of Memphis,University of Tennessee at Martin,or Spelman College.

    • Dear Rickeya–

      My hope is that you decide to come to the University of Memphis. Have you been able to take a tour of the campus yet? If not, it would be my pleasure to arrange for a campus visit for you!

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