Welcome to Advising at the University of Memphis. This list of tool is designed to kick start your advising experience with everything you need to start advising effectively. Your first step is always to reach out to the Director of Student Services, Rika Hood in the Deans office for the most current information.
Mentor Group, cas_advisor_mentors@memphis.edu. This is a wonderful group of advisor in the college who are willing to serve as mentors and additional resources.
- Amanda Lee Savage, aksavage@memphis.edu; History
- Charles Plesofsky, czplsfsk@memphis.edu; Biology
- Cody Clinton, cwsacks@memphis.edu; Pre- Professional
- Ebony Dawkins, endawkns@memphis.edu; Political Science
- Jennifer Benford, Jennifer.Benford@memphis.edu; Biology
- Jermaine Johnson, jjhnsn26@memphis.edu; Chemistry
- Kendra Murphy, khmrphy1@memphis.edu; Sociology
- Kenny Latta, kslatta@memphis.edu; Anthropology
- Ladrica Menson-Furr, lmnsnfrr@memphis.edu; English, African American Studies
- Lisa Warmath, lwarmath@memphis.edu; Lambuth Campus
- William Thompson, wjthmpsn@memphis.edu; International and Global Studies
- Rika Hood, Rika.Hood@memphis.edu; Director of Student Services
Getting System Access
- Banner, Advising Tab, Matrix, Navigate – Banner Access form: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/pdf-docs/forms/access-17.pdf
- Slate Access Request: https://apply.memphis.edu/register/access_request
- Registration Guide: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/students/selfserv/quick.php