Summer 2023 NSO Dates

You can begin planning for Summer NSO. Our college will see transfer students. Those dates are attached and posted below. I will continue to send you the lists of students how have been newly admitted. It desirable to get them advised prior to the NSO date.

Transfer Orientation is May 16th and July 26th.

Lambuth NSO is July 27th (freshmen) and August 8th  (freshmen and transfer).

Summer 2023 NSO Dates_share


Book program – Tiger Smart Start

Tiger SmartStart Program is a more affordable way to gather your course materials at the start of the semester. Students must register for classes like normal

  • Student are automatically enrolled once they register for classes. Students must opt out.
  • It is all or nothing. Students cannot pick and choose classes.
  • there is a rental fee of $24 per credit hour
  • Students can choose how they want to pick up their books, either in person at the book store or have the books mailed. Digital materials will be delivered in the students’ Canvas.
  • Contact with questions




CARES Withdrawal Workshop – Fall 2022

The last day to withdraw from a full session course is Oct 14th. To help students make an informed decision, the CARES office is hosting a virtual workshop on Oct 12th and 13th. The times and passcodes are listed in the attached flyer. You are also welcome to attend as an advisor.

Whenever students withdraw, strongly encourage them to speak with the Financial Aid office as there may be negative implications that may affect future financial aid eligibility. A financial aid representative will be at this workshop.


CPOS, Course Program of Study

Many of you are familiar with CPOS, Course Program of Study handled by the Financial Aid office that effectively says students must be registered only for courses in their degree program. Students are flagged when they take courses outside their degree program. This notification goes to Cody Clinton and me. We either approve or deny the course according to a few parameters listed below.

Action item: Please put the list of classes and a CPOS note in UMDegree for any student taking an elective course and the reason for taking the course.


  • CPOS – need (COMM 3361) for upper division elective
  • CPOS – (course) is a prerequisite for a required course
  • CPOS – (course) is required preparatory coursework for admission into Grad/Prof program


Can I Drop My Classes -Fall 2022 Edition

Always contact Financial Aid before a student drops or withdraws from a class because the student’s financial Aid could be negatively impacted.

Action item: Email the Director of Advising with the student’s name and u number. I will email the Financial Aid to ask how the student’s financial aid packet will be impacted.

Important facts.

  • Friday, Aug 26th  – Deadline for 100% refund
  • Sept 4th is the Census Date, the 14th day of classes. This means prorated funds are no longer affected.
  • Last day to add for Second Session – Oct 13th
  • Encourage students to keep 6 hours or more. Financial Aid is more negatively impacted at less than 6 hours.

Students on SAP, Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. You will not know if a student is on SAP. Have them contact Financial Aid or you can send me the student’s name and u number.
  2. If the student will still be enrolled at least half time, a DROP is not a violation of their academic plan, but a WITHDRAWAL is.
  3. Deadline to drop – Sept 4th

For more detailed information, see the email below from Financial Aid.

Census Date Fall 2022 – Sept 4

UMDegree curriculum changes will happen on Sept 4th. If you have a student whose major or minor is lingering or has not changed in UMDegree, the update will happen on Sept 4th.  Any curriculum changes in Banner that are set to change for Fall 2022 (202280) will happen once the term changes in UM Degree. The Registrar’s office keeps the term open for 30 days past the last day of classes to allow the Graduation Analysts time to certify audits for graduation without future curricula interfering. The term is set to switch to Fall (202280) on September 4th.  After the 4th, all curricula with a 202280 start will be applied.

Discover Your Major Day

Thursday, Sept 29th from 9 am to 2 pm.

Discover your path to Major success at the UofM. Over 50 academic departments will be available to discuss majors, minors and other opportunities.

Also check out the Health Professions Fair in the UC River and Bluff rooms and the Law School Fair in the UC Shelby Room.