New Policy Regarding Repeats of ENGL 1010 & ENGL 1020

This week the English Department has been working with the Registrar’s Office on a new policy.  We’re still awaiting final approval of the language of the policy from the Provost, but because it’s time sensitive we want to distribute it to you as soon as possible in case it will benefit any students who are registered for Spring 2023.  If you are aware of any students who were incorrectly advised to take ENGL 1010 and 1020 and then subsequently earned a grade lower than a C minus in that attempt, they may qualify to have that attempt excluded from their record if they have credit for the course from an earlier attempt or test score.  Here’s how the policy currently reads:

“Students who have ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 transfer work or test scores under review / in progress for U of M credit posting, and who are advised to take ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 and score a grade of D or lower in a later attempt, may petition with the Registrar’s Office to have the later attempt excluded. Additionally, students who were advised at the former institution and had a situation similar with ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 prior to transfer may also petition. The latter attempts of ENGL 1010 or ENGL must have occurred within three years of the AP score test date if the AP score is to be considered.

An email can be sent to Darla Keel at to review the circumstances. If approved, the Registrar’s Office will update the repeats in Banner to reflect the earlier attempt as the official, final grade. This will allow students to be able to progress with courses that may require ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1020 as a pre-requisite and count the satisfactory attempt(s) towards graduation requirements.”

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Ms. Bridget Wells
Assistant to the Chair & Dept Registrar

Department of English