Some MAC users are not able to enter permits in Banner. This information comes from Dr. Holliday Ridge in the Registrar’s office.
There is a known defect some BannerAdmin Pages on Macintosh computers.
- Can you try using the “Banner 9” link in to access SFASRPO? This has been the work-around for other Macintosh users.
We are still waiting for the vendor to release a fix for the issue. A communication will be sent out when the issue is resolved. - This is another workaround that is posted by the vendor:
Using the mouse, click on a corner of the browser window and drag diagonally inward to resize the window to a smaller size. Continue until the page resizes and displays the missing rows. Then drag the corner of the window diagonally outward, again, to return to the original size. The rows will remain displayed.
Another option is to use set the Application Navigator Page Layout to expanded or comfortable view. (In App Nav select the Gear icon in the upper right corner, scroll down to Page Layout and choose Expanded or Comfortable view.Issue reported on (but not limited to):
MacOSX (Monterey 12.4) with browsers Edge v103, Chrome v103, Safari v15.5
Monitors that are 4K HD monitors set at 1920×1080 did not seem to have issue
Monitors set to 1080P did have issues.