Missing Transfer Work? Slate Access

Any time a transfer course is missing from a student transcript, take the following steps:

  1. Check the Materials Tab in Slate to see if the transcript has arrived
    1. Need access to Slate? Here is the form: https://www.memphis.edu/admissions/pdfs/request_access_slate_or_onbase.pdf
    2. Slate website: https://apply.memphis.edu/manage/
  2. Email the Admission Analyst to request to have the work posted. This list is constantly updated to check with the CAS Dean’s office to make sure you have the most current list.              Analyst Alpha Breakdown-5-1-22
  3. Example email to Analyst is below. Note: If you are looking for a specific course, list the transfer course and title, ex. POLS 1010, Intro to Political Science

Email Subject: Student Name U00000000

Dear Analyst,

When you have a moment, would you please post transfer credit from Columbia State Community College from the Spring 2021 semester?

Thank  you.