Always contact Financial Aid before a student drops or withdraws from a class because the student’s financial Aid could be negatively impacted.
Action item: Email the Director of Advising with the student’s name and u number. I will email the Financial Aid to ask how the student’s financial aid packet will be impacted.
Important facts.
- Friday, Aug 26th – Deadline for 100% refund
- Sept 4th is the Census Date, the 14th day of classes. This means prorated funds are no longer affected.
- Last day to add for Second Session – Oct 13th
- Encourage students to keep 6 hours or more. Financial Aid is more negatively impacted at less than 6 hours.
Students on SAP, Satisfactory Academic Progress
- You will not know if a student is on SAP. Have them contact Financial Aid or you can send me the student’s name and u number.
- If the student will still be enrolled at least half time, a DROP is not a violation of their academic plan, but a WITHDRAWAL is.
- Deadline to drop – Sept 4th
For more detailed information, see the email below from Financial Aid.