le lundi 21 mars 2016

Activités en cours — 

• p. 238 — Communiquer en famille
• p. 252, Structure 3. Les verbes de communication et verbes de transfert

••Répétez les conjugaisons
••“décrire” est similaire à “écrire” (je décris, etc.)
••Exercice — dire lire écrire décrire

p. 238 — Communiquer en famille

•Regardez les phrases. Quel est l’antécédent ?

••Jules écrit à qui?
••à ses parents = leur

•Pour les verbes de communication et de transfert, on utilise souvent des objets indirects (à + personne)
PowerPoint — Objets indirects

• p. 253. Répétez les verbes. N’oubliez pas : Indirect = replaces à (ou au, à la, à l’, aux) + personne

• p. 239, ex. 9.  — ensemble

• We also talked briefly again about le bac (the test at the end of high school that French students have to pass if they want to get into college, or retake the whole senior year again if they don’t pass) and the fact that the results of the bac are public record (here, for example).

• People in class felt it was weird to have test results public like that (and it’s illegal in the US to do this)
• The idea in France is that it’s a public test, so the records are public. That way, employers and universities can check easily to see who passed and whether they got a mention (did well/very well on the bac).

Devoirs, annonces, etc.

Devoirs — 

iLrn — next batch due tomorrow (Tuesday) night.
•Please don’t forget to always

• check the Documents tab the morning of or night before every class and download or print out any sheets and
• read the pages on the calendrier before coming to class.

•We will have 1-2 more quizzes before the end of the semester, so be sure to keep up with reading pages before class and looking over your notes!

Annonces — 

• Free tutoring hours — the Plus… section of the site has hours and locations.

• Language Fair coming up next week, with preparation needed Tuesday-Friday and the Fair itself on Saturday, April 2. For more info see Points bonus.

• If you missed any previous classes, don’t forget to check what we did — previous posts below list what we did, what the homework was, etc. (and whenever you’re absent, you should always check the Archives to see what we did in class, what HW is coming up, etc. The Archives are usually updated by 9pm after class.)

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