le vendredi 18 mars 2016

Activités en cours — 


• On a fait un quiz sur nearpod.com
• If you were absent or didn’t do quite as well as you’d hope, we will have 2-3 more quizzes by the end of the year and I drop the lowest couple.
• I will hand back the results in class next week.


• Introduction (multi-page) en français sur le projecteur
• Fiche en anglais (une page) avec plus de précisions

• p. 251, pronoms relatifs qui, qu(e), où

• IMPORTANT : qui (subject)que (object) can both refer to people OR things (who, that, which, ø )
• qui (subject) doesn’t change forms; que (object) changes to qu’ before a vowel or mute h
 can refer to places OR times (where, when, that, ø)

• le restaurant que j’ai vu (we saw the restaurant — direct object)
• le restaurant  on a mangé (the restaurant where we ate / that we ate AT — not direct, so où), NOT le restaurant qu’on a mangé (the restaurant we ate!)

• p. 236, ex. 4. Avec un partenaire

• p. 251, ex. 2, #1-6. individuellement

Devoirs, annonces, etc.

Devoirs — 

iLrn — next batch due Tuesday night.
•Please don’t forget to always

• check the Documents tab the morning of or night before every class and download or print out any sheets and
• read the pages on the calendrier before coming to class.

•We will have 1-2 more quizzes before the end of the semester, so be sure to keep up with reading pages before class and looking over your notes!

Annonces — 

• Free tutoring hours — the Plus… section of the site has hours and locations.

• If you missed any previous classes, don’t forget to check what we did — previous posts below list what we did, what the homework was, etc. (and whenever you’re absent, you should always check the Archives to see what we did in class, what HW is coming up, etc. The Archives are usually updated by 9pm after class.)

Bon week-end !

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