le vendredi 5 février 2016

Activités en cours — 

• Jacques Brel : p. 180-181

  • Jacques Brel : chanteur, auteur-compositeur des chansons
    • thèmes dans ces chansons : amour, liberté, solitude…
    • il attaque souvent le conformisme, la bourgeoisie…
  • He rebelled from his family, leaving the family business (usine/factory) to go off to sing. He came from humble beginnings and his songs were seen as subversive / rebellious since they made fun of the bourgeoisie and powers that be.
  • The protagonists in the songs are often “losers” — they don’t have money, the women they love are too « good » for them,
  • As we went along in the text, you answered several of the questions (Compréhension et intégretion, p. 181)
  • Musique : Madeleine, one of his best-known songs. (a slightly different version than we heard, with a cheesy video, is here. Here are the Paroles lyrics)
  • The music is definitely outdated, but it was very popular and typical of music from that period. (Like I mentioned, think Frank Sinatra in the US.).
  • you were able to catch parts of it. You did well as a class in understanding the text in the book and also the song, très bien!

• Expression écrite en classe

  • You wrote on one of two options and handed them in before leaving.
  • I’ll correct these and hand them back before the test.
  • If you were absent, please let me know if you have an excuse so we can schedule a make-up.

DEVOIRS, Annonces, etc. —

• À faire (to do)

•Please do the next batch of iLrn exercises — deadline Sunday night at 11:59 pm.
•Don’t forget to read the pages on the calendrier before coming to class and to check the Documents tab the morning of or night before every class and download or print out any sheets.
Monday we will review in class for the test; the test for Module 6 will be Wednesday.

• Annonces

Extra credit — Tournées Film Festival at Rhodes ends next week. See the Points bonus section for details on these.

•Two other extra credit opportunities coming up Sunday (music recital) and Tuesday (Mardi gras celebration) — details under Extra credit.

Study abroad — A meeting Monday, Feb. 8 at 2:15 pm in Jones 249 for anyone interested in studying abroad in Lille, France this summer or in the future. Flyer here.

• Free tutoring hours — the Plus… section of the site has hours and locations.

• If you missed any previous classes, don’t forget to check what we did — previous posts below list what we did, what the homework was, etc. (and whenever you’re absent, you should always check the Archives to see what we did in class, what HW is coming up, etc. The Archives are usually updated by 9pm after class.)

• If you have any questions, please contact me. À bientôt !

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