Voting for The President on Facebook in 2016

Politics in pop culture can be when the Gregory Brothers remixed the debate.  I’ve seen videos that have made politicians look super cool.  I thought that Barack Obama would make a cool president based on this video —> BarackRoll

The only reason he won this year is because he sang “Call Me Maybe” —> Obama and iCarly

I sometimes wonder about the future of politics. Will there come a day when all voting is done online?

4 thoughts on “Voting for The President on Facebook in 2016

  1. Polotics in pop culture is another way I think gets the younger generation actively involved. A lot of people could careless but using artist as a spokesperson is a great idea.

  2. I agree that politics in pop culture is a way to attract the younger generation. On reddit, Obama did a 30 minute AMA (ask me anything) session which allowed a lot of reddit users who are usually of a younger age to ask questions and feel like they are being heard by the president himself. Obama used the internet and pop culture to his advantage. Also, I’ve noticed throughout the election on imgur that a lot of the pictures depicted Obama in a positive light and Romney in a negative light (with some exceptions of course), which I think had an influence on some of the people who were on the fence about the candidates.

  3. I think another great initiative started by Obama was his email campaign. I constantly received new information from his team all of the time, and that helped me stay up to date on issues important to me.

  4. Yes I would agree that obama had stronger web during the election which more than likely led to his victory of the youth vote which was won by 60% over Mitt Romney’s 36%.Obama seems to embrace pop culture and understand how to gain the youth vote.

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