Stephanie Potts Cape (BSN ’90), RN, BSN, is owner manager of Cape Regional Eye Center, PLLC, and owner of Cape Surgery Center, LLC. She owns both businesses with her husband Richard Cape, MD, FACS.
As with all of us in healthcare, this has been a “learn as you go” process. As a health care institution and surgery center, we strictly adhere to all CDC guidelines for healthcare workers/ institutions. Both facilities have hired extra personnel to screen patients at the doorway. Patients are thoroughly screened, temperatures taken and must wash their hands prior to being allowed in our waiting rooms. Patients are required to wear masks during their entire visit at our facilities. Our waiting rooms are set up to allow social distancing.
Our waiting rooms and public restrooms are sanitized every hour. We have an employee specifically designated to sanitize each exam room after each patient appointment. All employees are required to wear a mask AND face shield while in all common areas. Employees are required to wear a mask or face shield when alone in their designated office space. If two or more employees share the same office space, a mask and shield must be worn.
If an employee is exposed to a COVID-19 person, the employee is required to get tested immediately. That employee is not allowed to return to work until they have documentation of a negative COVID-19 test.
If an employee has symptoms congruent with a possible COVID-19 diagnosis, the employee must be tested immediately. The employee is not allowed to return to work until they have documentation of a negative COVID-19 test.
If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, they will not be allowed to return to work for ten days from the first day of the onset of symptoms. The employee must be fever free for 72 hours (without the use of fever reducing meds) prior to returning to work.
We strictly follow CDC guidelines. We also monitor regularly for changes in CDC protocol for Covid 19 patients and or exposures.
In my family, we practice strict hand washing and hand sanitizing. We wear masks, at all times, when in public. We have been using many delivery services, curb side pick-up options and car side/contactless grocery loading. We also practice social distancing when in public.
This is a worldwide pandemic that must be taken seriously. Even if your particular family has not been hit with a COVID-19, we must all be cautious and considerate to those around us. People at high risk—the elderly and immunocompromised—must be protected and it’s our responsibility to be considerate of their wellbeing.