Tag college housing

Housing Homestead to Offer a New Kind of Living Learning Experience

The Department of Residence Life at the University of Memphis is looking to expand housing options for students. Staying on-trend with national college housing standards of themed communities where students live and learn together, ResLife will be adding a Housing… Continue Reading →

Dorm Room Inspo

We know you’ve already started thinking about how you’re going to do up your dorm room. Here’s some inspiration from other Tigers over the years. Rooms featured are from LLC, Centennial Place, Rawls Hall and even a couple from good… Continue Reading →

The 50 Best College Study Aid Blogs

How useful or not study aids are to you will largely depend on the relevance of the content and how that content is presented. They need to stimulate you sufficiently for you to use them to your full advantage, and… Continue Reading →

15 Tips for Incoming University of Memphis Freshmen

The University of Memphis may seem intimidating for new freshmen, but it’s really not that bad!  It won’t take you long to learn the ins and outs, but we want to help with a few tips. Keep an open mind. … Continue Reading →

10 Study Tips for College Students

Studying – it’s the most dreaded activity by college students everywhere, but it’s a necessity when it comes to making good grades and acquiring a degree. Whether you’re new to college or are just looking for some fresh ideas to get your brain… Continue Reading →

10 Tips for Living with a College Roommate

1. Don’t expect a BFF on day one: Look at your college roommate as someone to get along with, not as your future best friend. Incoming freshmen often place too many expectations on the roommate friendship to be more than it… Continue Reading →

26 Cheap And Easy Ways To Have The Best Dorm Room Ever

1. Make your own wall photo mural. hgtv.com A printable wall mural makes your room feel much larger without the permanence (or cost) of paint or wallpaper. Instructions here. 2. Line your bookshelves with washi tape. auntpeaches.com Washi tape (colored paper tape) is… Continue Reading →

10 Stylish, Space-Saving Dorm Room Ideas

Decorating a small bedroom creates some specific challenges — especially when you’re sleeping, studying, entertaining and relaxing there. Add a roommate, and those challenges can increase exponentially. In the not-too-distant past, dorm room ideas for decorating were limited to not much more than posters,… Continue Reading →

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