Go to Class— Early Intervention

I hope the first week of classes has gone well for all of our Arts and Sciences majors, and that you are getting into a routine that includes attending all of your classes!  You have probably heard from many sources that going to class is critical for college success.

The University of Memphis faculty and advisors participate in a program called Early Intervention as a means of helping students to succeed.  Students who miss class or tests or do not submit assignments are submitted for Early Intervention, which means receiving an e-mail encouraging the student to take advantage of professors’ office hours and other resources on campus.  The student’s advisor receives a notice of the Early Intervention report also and will be happy to work with students to get on track for success.

If you receive an Early Intervention in the next few weeks, feel free to contact me if you have questions or don’t know what resources you can utilize: pakrech@memphis.edu.

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