Week 11 readings

Over the years, the use of the web has gone from strictly research purposes, it has now expanded to serve purposes as entrertainment and networking. In the Correa and Jeong piece, we were given insight on different races, and their reasonings for using the web.  While White students surveyed slightly mentioned keeping in touch with family, minority groups stated that they heavily used the web for these purposes. In contrast, White students surveyed were more likely to use the web as a means of displaying their work and ideas, or self-promotion, as it was described in the reading. Also, minority groups appeared more likely to use the web to connect with niche communities, or ommunities in which there are shares interests.

Banks and Humphries go into discussion about co-creation, which is something that we touched on earlier this semester. Co-created material on the web is a good way to generate additional fan and user participation, by allowing them the opportunity to participate in the production of the material. Such an example was given with Auran Games, a game development company in Australia. The company allowed people from the community to give feedback and input into the Trainz game. Over 200,000 participants joined this online community. As an extra motivating factor, the company promised fans early access to the game. These factors combined allowed for cheap, unpaid labor,  and a way for more ideas and innovative concepts to be included into the project by the consumers who partake in it.

3 thoughts on “Week 11 readings

  1. I like that you brought up unpaid labor in your writing considering the Star Wars themed reading of this week and how Lucas Entertainment is in a love/hate relationship with their fan’s creations.

  2. Well and given that Disney is now buying Lucasfilm, it really throws a whole new wrench in this issue. While Lucas has been generally tolerant (to a degree) of fan films, Disney is notorious for aggressively pursuing even the most minor perceived copyright violation.

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