Workplace addiction is a common problem that today’s industries are battling. Everyone deals with stress differently and could turn to addictive substances like drugs or alcohol to take the edge off. For people who are feeling like they’re nearly at their limit, sometimes smoking a joint or taking a few shots in between shifts is what they need to keep feeling strong. The classic line of cocaine on the desk in the banking facility is a common reality when you look at the statistics. As great as it may make them feel in the short term, workplace addiction isn’t right and is extremely dangerous. For those operating machinery, driving, or are on the front lines of dealing with customers, maintaining a sober state of mind is crucial. Anything that tampers with their mental clarity could lead to complaints, failure perform well, injuries, or even death at the worst case.
While we all think we’re invincible at some point, no one wants to become completely tied to using drugs or alcohol to just get by. Even self-proclaimed addicts know that their habits aren’t healthy and could lead to the loss of their professional career. Since workplace addiction is a growing issue, companies are enforcing strict policies for testing and dismissal. Be sure you know the facts before you take the risk.

Workplace addiction needs to be addressed immediately.
Workplace Addiction Consequences
Using drugs of any kind extremely impairs decision-making abilities and physically impaired people while they are on the job. Nearly 10-20% of American workers who die at work have a positive result when tested for drugs or alcohol from their employers. Besides not following the rules, people can risk being suspended on their job, become demoted, or dismissed completely. That type of dismissal can stay on their record and can come up at awkward times if they try to apply for another corporate job. Companies have a right to contact previous employers and investigate their candidates at most times! What’s alarming is that almost nearly industry struggles with workplace addiction including bartending, healthcare, construction, transportation, financial investing, and even media to name a few. Celebrities, mainstream movies, and hit songs can further encourage the use of drugs and alcohol in susceptible minds that aren’t educated on its risks.
The sooner the problem is stopped the quicker recovery can begin for an employee. Drugs and alcohol are not the answer to dealing with stress, and they need to know that their “high” will only become a painful, tiring, and stressful come down. Not every drug will provide the same withdrawal effects so people could suffer from a wide range of headaches, bloodshot eyes, restlessness, or muscle aches from not getting their dose.
Workplace Addiction And Long Term Risks
Workers all have to go through periods of high stress and anxiety on their job. The unhealthy habits and addiction and sprout from them ignoring their stress symptoms and allowing the feeling to build up inside their body. Some people may crack and resort to drugs and alcohol to deal with the tension they’ve been hiding for so long. Many addicts at work are high functioning and can cover up their habits to the rest of their company. The guy at the corner of the office may be dressed up in a nice suit, but what is he doing during his long lunch breaks? Over time, people will start to ask questions and interrogate if their coworker is someone they see nearly every day.
A worker may start to look less put together from lack of sleep or control of their addiction. They could carry a scent of the substance, look tired or overly stressed, or seem defensive if any questions about their activities are asked. In either case, if you work at a company with rules enforced you can’t expect someone not to notice the change. People may be telling your manager about your habits and all people could be watching you for some time before discipline steps in. Companies will not tolerate any use of drugs in general for workers who are at or off work. Anyone heavily relying on their job needs to steer clear from addictive substances and know better than to chase the high.
In the big picture, the company can suffer from bad press or poor reviews from customers. This leads to declined sales and a damaged reputation if the caught employee is in upper management especially. Even if you’re an entry level work, you’re probably directly talking to your clients and are doing some of the most important daily tasks for your company. Don’t allow your addiction to brew, get help from addiction treatment professionals before it’s too late.
Workplace Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate
Addiction can choose to victimize anyone. If you are constantly using drugs or alcohol and aren’t looking after yourself, odds are you will develop an addiction. Most employees with a workplace addiction can be men or women. There is no set “look” to someone with an addiction as we all have different experiences with overcoming something addictive. Before your stress takes a hold of you, think about the specific goals that you have for this week, month, and year before you take the hit of a drug. You could ruin your chance to be successful and others who are consistently putting in more work than you will definitely beat you to it. The importance of time management, exercise, proper sleep, and healthy nutrition is critical to understand as well as you navigate your career. Large companies might have a program in place for men and women with workplace addictions, but make sure to read your HR policy before making any assumptions. As someone responsible you can check into a treatment center in your community and get the help of their expertise.
Online Addiction Recovery Centers
If you need help for your workplace addiction, you have many options. Since full time schedules and even part time responsibilities can be draining, many centers now offer online treatment programs to engage you in becoming sober. They understand that it’s sometimes tough to get into popular rehab programs, so the online platform ensures that everyone gets a chance. It also allows you to learn more about overcoming your workplace addiction in a time sensitive manner. Block out an hour a day or even just a few hours a week of rehab education so you can make little accomplishments very quickly. That will help you stay motivated to complete the program overall and stay accountable!