Dr. Satomi Taylor’s Report of Professional Development Leave

Dear ICL Faculty,

Below is Dr. Satomi Taylor’s “Report of Professional Development Leave” submitted to Dean Wagner and the ICL Chair.


The faculty development leave granted me for spring 2013 enabled me to reach an important professional goal that provided additional personal growth as a professional. The following completed work makes a significant contribution to the growing body of literature by international early childhood education scholars to accurately reconstruct the importance of early childhood education, teacher education, and young children’s development and learning.

Peer-reviewed articles published and submitted:

Izumi-Taylor, S., Ogdon, D., & Abdi, W. (2013). Children as natural investigators: Science activities for young children. Early Years, 34(2), 20-22.

Izumi-Taylor, S. (2013). Scaffolding group-oriented Japanese preschools. Young Children, 68(1), 70-75.

Izumi-Taylor, S., & Scott, J. (2013). Nurturing young children’s moral development through literature in Japan and the USA. Research in Comparative  and International Education, 8(1), 38-54.

Ito, Y., & Izumi-Taylor, S. (2013). A cross-cultural study of American, Chinese, Japanese, and Swedish early childhood in-service and pre-service teachers’ perspectives of fathering. Research in Comparative  and International Education, 8(1), 87-101.

Cusick, M., & Izumi-Taylor, S. (2013). Class meetings: Using conflict resolution to promote self-regulation in children. Early Years, 34(1), 10-13.

Izumi-Taylor, S., Ito, Y., Lin, C., & Lee, Y. ( in press). Pre-service teachers’ views of play in Japan, Taiwan, and the US. Research in Comparative and International Education.

Izumi-Taylor, S., Ito, Y., & Krisell, M. (under review). American and Japanese kindergartners’ views of play through the use of photo elicitation interviews (PEI). Early Childhood Research and Practice.

Burrows, L., & Izumi-Taylor, S. (under review). Integrating communication strategies and play activities in early childhood classroom. Dimensions of Early Childhood.

Izumi-Taylor, S., & Ito, Y. (under review). American and Japanese kindergartners’ meanings of play through the use of photo elicitation: What can we learn from them? Young Children.

Izumi-Taylor, S., & Lovelace, A. (under review). Nurturing children’s autonomy through literature. Early Years.

Book chapters published and submitted:

Izumi-Taylor, S., Brinson, S., & Ogawa, T. (2013). Hoiku genri [Principles of childcare]. In Y. Koizumi (Ed.).  Amerika hoikusharon [American teachers’ views of childcare]. Tokyo, Japan: Gakugei Tosho.

Izumi-Taylor, S., & Ito, Y. (in press). Japanese preschoolers rule the classroom through play. In J. Roopnarine, M. Patte, J. Johnson, & D. Kuschner (Eds.). International perspectives of play. Open University, an imprint of McGraw Hill Education, Great Britain.


Izumi-Taylor, S., Meredith, C., & Cummings, B. (March, 2013). A comparative study of pre-service teachers’ views of play in Japan, Taiwan, and the US. At the 39th Annual International Conference: The Association for the Study of Play and the American Association for the Child’s right to play. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.

Meredith, C., Cummings, B., & Izumi-Taylor, S. (March, 2013). Playing to learn. At the 39th annual International Conference: The Association for the Study of Play and the American Association for the Child’s right to play. University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.

Izumi-Taylor, S. (May, 2013). Play and creativity in terms of play perspectives of American, Japanese, and Taiwanese pre-service teachers. Presented to graduate, undergraduate students, and faculty of Education at National Taichung University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan.

Izumi-Taylor, S. (May, 2013). Playfulness and creativity. Presented to graduate students and faculty of Education at Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan.

Izumi-Taylor, S. (June, 2013). Bullying: How we can stop and prevent it. At the annual parent conference of Kawasaki Futaba Kindergarten, Kawasaki-City, Japan.

Book in progress:

The National Association for the Education of Young Children has requested to submit more chapters for the book proposal, “Infant/Toddler Development: Research and Application,” and my co-editor, Dr. Vivian Gunn Morris and I have been working on this book.

The research findings from these articles and books are currently presented to my course that I am teaching (ECED 8/7107 Constructivism in early childhood).

I am very grateful to the university for granting this one semester leave. Enclosed are: copies of five published articles and one published book chapter.

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