Publications and projects

A list of my articles, dissertation, and current projects, can be found below. The full-text versions of some items can be found on under the username errolmoneill. As of May 2023, my work has been cited 184 times since 2018 in at least seven different languages — Croatian, English, Finnish, French, Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish (source: Google Scholar).

  • Current projects
    1. I am currently developing a follow-up study to my 2019 study “The Use of Online Translators and Dictionaries for Courses Delivered Online“.
      1. The first survey, given just prior to the pandemic, asked language students and instructors taking classes online about their practices and attitudes concerning online tools (online translators, dictionaries, search engines, etc.).
      2. The second survey will have two purposes:
        1. seeing how the pandemic has affected online translator usage, policies, and attitudes as compared to the first survey
        2. gauging initial reactions and policies related to AI chatbots (ChatGPT, Bing AI, etc.) in general and as relates to online translators — have policies and approaches to online technology changed, and if so, how?
    2. I am continuing additional analysis of my work on the study “Writing through the Use of Technology: Online Translators and Dictionaries,” which involved over 300 participants in third- and fourth-level language classes. I have presented preliminary results at recent conferences (please see the Conference Presentations tab). Some areas I am looking at include:
      • usage — how many world language students use online translators and online dictionaries, for both graded and ungraded language learning
      • writing — what effect(s) using Google Translate and WordReference has on composition writing among intermediate language students, as rated by faculty and graduate assistants
      • training — the impact that prior training about the strengths and weaknesses of online translators and dictionaries may have on student success in using these online tools.
    3. The next phases of my research will be continued data analysis of the previous study including:
      • linguistic features — the results of six specific linguistic features (content, vocabulary, spelling, syntax, grammar, comprehensibility) to see what effect(s) online translator and dictionary use have on student writing scores
      • detection of use — the accuracy with which instructors can detect whether or not an online translator or dictionary was used by students in writing their compositions
      • extent of use — the extent to which students who used Google Translate or WordReference relied on these tools during the writing process.


  • O’Neill, E. M. (in press, anticipated publication Winter 2025). The Fine Line between Digital Literacy and Academic Dishonesty in Online World Language Instruction. In V. Russell, K. Murphy-Judy, F. Troyan, A. Moeller, & K. Hines-Gaither (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Research in World Language Instruction. Routledge.
  • Godwin-Jones, R., O’Neill, E. M., and Ranalli, J.M. (2024). Integrating AI Tools into Instructed Second Language Acquisition. In Exploring AI in Applied Linguistics. ISU Digital Press.
  • O’Neill, E. M. (2019). Training students to use online translators and dictionaries: The impact on second language writing scores. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning (IJRSLL). 8(2), 47-65. Free access.
  • O’Neill, E. M. (2019). Online Translator, Dictionary, and Search Engine Use Among L2 Students. CALL-EJ. 20(1), 154-177. Free access.
  • O’Neill, E. M. (2016). Measuring the Impact of Online Translation on FL Writing Scores. IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies. 46(2), Fall 2016, 1-39. Abstract & free access.
  • Soler, I. G. & O’Neill, E. M. (2016). Teaching Pragmatics with the Mi Vida Loca Video Program. Dimension 2016 Special Issue: Focus on Intercultural Competence, 103-127. Free access.
  • O’Neill, E. M. (2014). Real-life Technology and the L2 French Classroom: Online Translation Usage among Intermediate French Students. Selected Proceedings of the AATF Convention. 5(1), 36-42. Free access.
  • O’Neill, E. (2013). Online Translator Usage in Foreign Language Writing. Dimension 11(1), 74-88. Free access.
  • O’Neill, E. (2012). The effect of online translators on L2 writing in French. Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Free access.


  • Forthcoming (estimated publication: summer 2024)
    • O’Neill, E. M. The fine line between digital literacy and academic dishonesty in online WLI. Routledge Handbook of Research in World Language Instruction

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