Here is a list of my online and on-ground talks and panels. I’ve given nearly 40 presentations in the past 12 years. If you would like further information or handouts/PowerPoints/summaries for any of these, please contact me by email or on Twitter or Facebook @errolmoneill.
Most recent conference presentations, panels, roundtable, and invited talks
- Invited talk (webinar). O’Neill, Errol M. “Integrating Online Translators and other AI Tools in Language Instruction” CERCLL’s 2024 webinar series “Rebooting Language Educ-AI-tion”. January 31, 2024. Over 800 participants registered for the webinar, according to CERCLL.
- Conference talk (on-ground). O’Neill, Errol M. “Policies for Online Translators and A.I. Chatbots in World Language Courses.” ACTFL (the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), Chicago, IL. November 18, 2023.
- Roundtable (hybrid). With Robert Godwin-Jones (Virginia Commonwealth University) and Jim Ranalli (Iowa State University). “Integrating AI tools into instructed SLA.” Technology for Second Language Learning Conference: TSLL 2023, Ames, IA. Hybrid presentation via Zoom.
- Panel presentation (on-ground). With J. Elliott Casal (UofM English), Will Duffy (UofM English), Amit Sen (UofM Philosophy), and Cookie Woolner (UofM History). “Designing Gen-A.I. Policies.” University of Memphis, TN. November 7, 2023.
- Discovery session (online: asynchronous conference presentation). “Gender-Inclusive Language Instruction in the Online World Language Classroom,” With Diana Ruggiero (UofM) and Allen R. Wood (UofM). “Gender-Inclusive Language Instruction in the Online World Language Classroom,” Online Learning Consortium Accelerate 2023 Conference. Oct. 2-4, 2023.
- Conference talk (on-ground). O’Neill, Errol M. “Quelle place pour les traducteurs en ligne dans les cours de français langue étrangère.” AATF Annual Conference, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. July 26, 2023.
- Panel presentation (on-ground). Conroy, Melanie and Errol O’Neill. “AI in the Classroom: ChatGPT, Google Translate, and World Languages.” TWLTA (Tennessee World Language Teaching Association West Tennessee) Regional Mini-Conference. April 22, 2023.
- Invited talk. O’Neill, Errol M. “Does ChatGPT have a place in our language classrooms?” St. Mary’s Episcopal School in Memphis. April 14, 2023.
- Conference talk (virtual): O’Neill, Errol M, “Developing Policies to Deal with Online Translators.” MidWest Association for Language Learning and Technology’s online conference (MWALLT 2023). February 11, 2023.
- Invited talk. O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Machine Translation in L2 Learning: The Good, The Bad, and The Unknown.” Invited talk. Dublin City University, November 17, 2022.
- Conference talk (virtual). O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators: Developing Informed Policies For Online Instruction.” SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching). March 31, 2022.
- Journée d’étude (online: one-day colloquium): O’Neill, Errol M. “From Minitel to Apple Watch: Students’ use of online translation services and pedagogical solutions for second language learning.” Virtual presentation. TQ2022 : « Comment enseigner (avec) la traduction automatique ? ». (“How to teach (with) machine translation.”) Université de Lille, France. January 28, 2022.
- Invited talk. O’Neill, Errol M. “Responsible Use of Online Tools.” Invited talk. Winter 2022 Series: Spanish Language Program Talks. Northwestern University, January 13, 2022.
- Invited talk (virtual). O’Neill, Errol M.“Online Translator Use in World Language Classes.” UVA Language Commons. University of Virginia, November 10, 2021.
- Panel presentation (virtual): Henshaw, Florencia and O’Neill, Errol M. “Is there a place for online translators in language courses?” Panel discussion with Dr. Florencia Henshaw. IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) 2021 Virtual Conference. June 17, 2021.
- Folder with PowerPoint and selected bibliography: Sample Google Training (editable):
- Simulive online presentation. O’Neill, Errol M. “Online students’ (un)authorized use of Google Translate.” CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Simulive online presentation. June 3, 2021.
- Folder with PowerPoint and selected bibliography:
Sample Google Training (editable):
- Folder with PowerPoint and selected bibliography:
Previous individual presentations / papers —
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online translators: How do we deal with the elephant in the (virtual) classroom?” IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology) webinar series. August 13, 2020. PowerPoint and Editable copy of Sample Translator Training.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “The Impact of Google Translate on French L2 Students’ Writing.” CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Conference. Montréal, Canada. May 2019.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Training students to use Google Translate and online dictionaries for class.” ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Convention. New Orleans, LA. November 17, 2018.
- Johnston, Jennifer, Nave, Josh and O’Neill, Errol M. “Articulation of World Language Departments: from the Basic Program to Advanced Level Classes.” TFLTA (Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association). November 3, 2018. Franklin, TN.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “The Impact of Online Translator and Dictionary Usage on FL Writing.” ACTFL Convention. Nashville, TN. November 18, 2017.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators And Dictionaries: How (Not) To Use Them.” IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). Moorehead, MN. June 21, 2017.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators And Dictionaries: How Much Are They Used And How Do Students Perform?” IALLT (International Association for Language Learning Technology). Moorehead, MN. June 21, 2017.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Can Google Translate (Or WordReference) Help Students Improve Their Writing In The Target Language?“. SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching). Orlando, FL. March 17, 2017.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators: How Much Are Students Using Them.” TFLTA-West (Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association-West). Memphis, TN. April 9, 2016.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Writing With Technology: Online Translators versus Dictionaries.” SCOLT 2016: New Levels, No Limits. February 19, 2016. Charlotte, NC.
- O’Neill, Errol M. and Reed, Mary. “Time-Saving Apps / Online Translators and Dictionaries.” TFLTA. November 4, 2016. Franklin, TN.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Google Translate and Other Online Translators: Embrace, Tolerate, or Ban?” ACTFL Annual Convention. November 21, 2015. San Diego, CA.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Technologies for L2 Writing.” Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association (TFLTA) Conference: Lead with Languages: Connect and Communicate. November 6, 2015. Franklin, TN.
- Gómez Soler, Inmaculada and Errol M. O’Neill. “Targeting Pragmatic Competence in Class through Videos”. Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT) 2015: All That Glitters is SCOLT: 50 Years of Language Teaching and Learning. March 7, 2015. Atlanta, GA.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Electronic Language Tools for Student Success.” TFLTA-West Regional Workshop. April 11, 2015. Memphis, TN.
- Gómez Soler, Inmaculada and Errol M. O’Neill, “Behind BBC’s Mi Vida Loca: Integrating Pragmatics in the L2 Classroom,” ACTFL 2014 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, November 23, 2014. San Antonio, TX.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translator Usage Among Intermediate French Students.” Presented as part of the panel “Technology in the French Classroom and Increasing Time on Task” (Melanie Conroy and Jessica L. Sturm). American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) 2014 Convention, July 21, 2014. New Orleans, LA.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Electronic Translation Tools: A Hands-On Look.” SCOLT Convention, Memphis, TN, March 2014.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “The Drawbacks and Benefits of Online Translation for L2 Writing in French.” 3rd International Conference on Second Language Pedagogies. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. February 2014.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Detecting the Use of Online Translation in L2 Compositions.” ACTFL Convention, Orlando, FL November 22, 2013.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators: Friend or Foe?’’ Presented at Forging a Path Toward Specialization, Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators (TAPIT) Annual Conference, Memphis, TN, September 15, 2013.
- O’Neill, Errol M. “Online Translators and Second Language Writing.” SCOLT/AAFLT/SEALLT Conference, Birmingham, AL, April 12, 2013.