
Our research aims to create integrated multi-fidelity frameworks to assist in discovery and elucidation of physical mechanisms in complex turbulent flows, which oftentimes contain dominant coherent structures, in order to provide computationally expedient toolsets for engineering design, optimization and uncertainty quantification. Coherent structures appear in many turbulent flows and are dominant features that are often seen as key building blocks in describing the flow field. Analysis and prediction of coherent structures can be a robust avenue to pursue insights into physical understanding and design of engineering models.

Below are are ongoing research projects:

  • Formation Mechanisms and Modeling of Wake Meandering in Wind Farms
  • Building partnerships for development of sustainable energy systems with atmospheric measurements
  • Optical Turbulence in HEL Targeting
  • Cavitation Erosion: Model to Full Scale
  • Network-based modeling of energy transfer mechanisms of turbulent coherent structures
  • BatCav: Vent Gas Failure Propagation in Grid-Scale Battery Racks
  • Stormwater Conveyance from Bridge Decks

Funding sources


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