We are looking for new PhD students. Check out the Opportunities
Hiring Postdocs
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Memphis in the area of computational fluid dynamics and materials science with applications to cavitation and multi-phase flows.
Postdoc – CFD: Description Apply
Postdoc – Materials: Description Apply
Project on energy transfer of coherent structures in vortex-dominated flows awarded
The Army Research Office awarded us a new three year project on developing a network theoretic model for energy transfer in vortex-dominated flows.
New project in optical turbulence starting
We are starting a new project on modeling the effects of turbulence on optics through the atmospheric boundary layer. We using LES and atmospheric observations to improve and quantify the uncertainty in power surges and fades, spatial incoherence, and beam wander. The project is in collaboration with Dr. Eddie Jacobs in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Funding is through our partners at the University of Central Florida and the Army Research Lab.
New DOE Grant Awarded
In collaboration with Drs. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan and Alex Headley in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, we were recently awarded a Research Development and Partnership Pilot (RDPP) grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) starting September 1, 2022. The project is entitled “Building partnerships for development of sustainable energy systems with atmospheric measurements,” and is an Atmospheric System Research (ASR) activity within the Earth and Environmental Systems Science Division (EESSD) of the Department of Energy’s Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program. See more here and here for more info
Presentation at SHTC2022
Ala’ is presenting his work: “Validation of Vented Gas Characteristics From Thermal Runaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using LIM1TR” at SHTC2022
Awarded HPC time on XSEDE
We recently were awarded “a lot” of CPU-hours on TACC Stampede2 and Purdue Anvil towards our project “Formation Mechanisms and Modeling of Wake Meandering in Wind Farms”
New NSF Project Awarded
The lab received an NSF award entitled: ERI: Formation Mechanisms and Modeling of Wake Meandering in Wind Farms
Presentation on respiratory flows at APS DFD
Apratim is presenting his work related to aerosolized respiratory droplets and turbulence at APS DFD. It’s entitled “Effects of turbulence and vortical structures on aerosolized droplets during speaking”
Newsletter highlights new collaboration of art and fluid dynamic outreach
Our new outreach collaboration with David Horan in the University of Memphis Department of Art is highlighted in the Paper Arts Collective Newsletter. Check out the article here.