Wikipedia and Blogs

In the chapter of Social Knowing, Wienberger discusses the rise of Wikipedia and blogs. This has allowed people to publish information on any topic they choose. You can search anything on Wikipedia from a tv show to a barley known actor. Now Wikipedia is looking foward to inform and educate more. They allow edits and secure some pages form vandalism.(which is making it hard for me to find a topic) When I waqs younger my mom would make me look up certain things in the encyclopedia. Like Mrs. Markman said, “if there was a mistake in an encyclopedia it was there until the next edition came out.” Blogs also became hot spots for up to date info. Facebook and Twitter allow you to receive information every minute. This goes back to democratization of distribution. Anything can be published with a click of a button.

Zappers, Casuals, or Loyals

In today’s discussion, we discussed the difference in audience which are zappers, causals, and loyals. A Loyal is a fan that watch the show faithfully and can be very critical to the show. They will also buy the merchandise. Casuals are people who watch a certain show but only if anything isnt on or if they are reminded. A zapper is a person who doesn’t have a specific show to watch, they just flip thorugh channels until they find something interesting then change the channel again. In the reading it discuss that it is possible that we can be all three at times. I’m more of a zapper and casual because on somedays I will just flip through channels until I find something to watch. I can be a casual because I will watch watch some shows only if reminded.

We also discussed product placement and how it has changed over time. Product placement has become the best way to advertise products. These days people don’t seat watch commercials. So now the product that would usually have  acommercial during a certain show are now being placed in the show itself and you have no choice but to see it. But, I honestly perfer this method because the show isn’t being interuppted with commercials.

The Long Tail

In this week’s lecture, we discussed “The Long Tail”. This is a theory that explains how the media world works. 98% of items sell at least one time. Just about everything that deals with selling a product uses The Long Tail method. Ebay and Amazon are top websites for purchasing anything you want. I’m an Ebay shopper myself and enjoy using the website because you can buy anything you want.

Also, I learned that The Long Tail theory reaches out to all people, whether you are an actual producer or just a normal person that just likes to edit videos or movie clips. We can now have our own studio production system within our laptops. We also can distribute a video or clip we edit quicker than usual with just a click of a button. This is referred to  as democratization of tools of production and democratization of distribution. It is cheaper and less work to get videos or clips to the web with today’s technology.