NBA and Fashion

Marketing my blog was more timing than expected. I started marketing my blog on personal twitter account  and recieved a few followers. I decided to make my Tumblr blog its seperate Twitter account to see if I could recieve more followers and to be able to promote it better. I seem to recieve a few more followers from my first attempt. So, once I saw a gain in my followers I wanted to get them more involved. I tweeted about my blog’s updates and I reached out to my followers by posting tweets where they could get involved. The way I tried to reach out to my fermale audience were by posting an all fashion blog. I think this was somewhat most succesful because I gained two girl followers from this. The most succesful marketing strategy was catering to both genders by linking other blogs that were similar to mines but that could be read by males or females.

Media 2.0 Outlook

I really enjoyed this class this semester. We discussed things from The Long Tail, Wikipedia to discussing how blogs are effective and meeting Kerry Williams. The main thing that stood out the most to me was the wikipedia project and how niche artist fits into the Long Tail. The Wikipedia started off as a website that most people would call unresourceful. But, after doing this project and reviewing changes within in my article, I learned that Wikipedia is just as resourceful as an encyclopedia. I was amazed with the corrections that were made and how most articles are locked so there couldnt be any changes made. Also, the artist profile was a learning experience because I really had to apply all those reading we discussed into the paper. It made me dig deep into the artist I chose to see how they use the Long tail to be successful. I learned about the 1,000 true fans and the power of merchandise and having links.

The blogs were another thing that was helpful throughout the class because I bascially used the blogs to show what I learned and to see other people points of view. The day we did the online class was the most memorable because I never had an online class of that type. I really enjoyed this class and how revelant it is to whats going on around us. The internet is the future and probably be around for a long time so everything we learned will be useful. Everybody that read this article should check out this short film called Plurality. It’s crazy to see how technology has evolved.

Transmedia Storytelling

I really enjoyed our class discussion especially with the online edition. But, class discussion was about creating story worlds that play out across multiple media platforms. There were more pro than cons because true fans enjoy have another outlet to their favorite show or movie. It also fit in today’s era because the internet play a big role in how people watch movies and television shows. Everyone these days are watching shows online, tablets, and smartphones. But there could be some cons to this too like people getting less information. For instance, if you liked the Walking Dead and were watching the webisodes or other shows and didn’t watch season 1 then you may not know everything that’s going on. Another con could be more money/funding needed up front. Also, will need to find co-collaborators/authors/ etc. But, I feel the pros outweigh the cons because when there are loyal fans of a show or movie, having the money or support wouldn’t be a problem. I feel that transmedia will and has been more common than in a niche. Simply because everything is always dealing with the internet. Maybe in the near future it will be in the niche and something better will take over.

Popular Culture and Politics

Today’s discussion was very interesting. We discussed how the media plays a big role in politics and today’s election. As this being my first time voting, I didn’t keep up with the debate or any other information on the election. I used sources such as Facebook, Twitter,and other social networks to keep me informed. With my generation and social media being the voice of today, I believe pop culture has a lot to do with how to get people involved or get information out much quicker.

38% Twitter users “like” political or social issues and 35% social media users use to encourage people to vote. Every election differs and this is the year where pop culture and social networks play a huge role in the election. You hear rappers, actors, and other famous people endorsing someone and trying to persuade a person to vote for who they are electing. I feel you should inform yourself first before just electing somebody because Denzel Washington say so. You should exercise your right to vote whether you chose anybody or turn in a blank ballot.

Media Fragmentation

The movie we watch was very interesting and informing. These creators of the games live a stressful and tiring life trying to get their work to the public eye. They work non-stop to get their work is perfect and completed. These indie games differ from mainstream because most of the creators have personal connections with the game and they don’t have as much money to promote/produce their games. They are usually created by one or a few people. These games are most definitely in the niche of the long tail. They only reach out a selective audience. In Napoli’s reading he discusses media fragmentation, which fits the technique of how the creators were show casing their games. Media fragmentation is the growth in new techniques of delivering media. Xbox Live Arcade allowed the creators of these games to be showcased and be played at an expo by people who could be future buyers.

Bad for Musicians or Good?

I believe the internet is a good median for musicians. Majority of today’s musicians are discovered by the internet. But, once they hit major stardom or signed to a record label, they become top of the long tail. Then it may not be so good. Artists that trickle down the long tail will never get major play like the hit musicians but still has a chance to make a career out of music.

For Johnathan Coulton it worked out because he makes a lot of money for his music. In his response he says most of his sales are digital, which means non distribution cost. I agree with Coulton because his success wasn’t easy or over night. He rely on tours, marketing, blogs, and other social medias to get his music out. He have to tour where he knows he will have a definite crowd. His music is a success because the internet is a median that reaches out to everyone of all genres. He was able to find a group that enjoyed and wanted to buy his music.

Wikipedia Experience

In this project, I found out that there are some die-hard fans for CSI:Miami. I also got a better view of peer production and collaboration. Many people were changing and updating info to keep every information accurate. Social knowing was also a major factor because I found a lot of information that I never knew or decided to look up. This project changed my whole view on Wikipedia because of the references.

THe frustrating part of the project was looking for changes or updates. Without any updates I could harldy critique my article. But, I found some recent updates and changes. On my Wikipedia article most of the references linked to a still working page. So, for all the teachers that said Wikipedia wasn’t a good source, I beg to differ lol. But, this project gave me helpful tips on Wikipedia such as the Talk page and who was recently updating the page

Sturgeon’s Law

In this week’s disscussion we learned about Sturgeon’s Law. He believes that 90% of everything is crap. I have to agree with this conclusion because only a hand full of information on the internet is worth reading. The Long-tail has allowed people to showcase any content to the world. Amatuers are populating the tail with user-generated content. The internet was pre-filtered for us in the beginning but now we are exposed to any and everything.

I like the filters because it gets you right to the point . Now when searching  for something I have to be more specific. People have created sites that filter things out but they are more slective as far as music, etc. Long-Tail minus filters equals a lot of searching, but the popularity always equals quality. I believe its worth searching because once you find what you are looking for then the reward will be well worth it and in the process you may find more.

Copyrights Rule

Class discussion was about copyright laws and what is considered breaking the law and remaking an idea tha has already been created. Music is big on taking older songs and remixing them or using certain lyrics or chorus from othe songs. The rap industry is heavy on sampling music from all genres. Kanye West sample music in majority of his records. I feel that if you give the proper credit or ask for the usage of the song then it shouldn’t be a problem. Another rapper, Mac Miller, recently got in trouble for sampling music from Warm Speakers. He is suing Mac Miller, Rostrum Records and DatPiff for $10M for illegally sampling his song “The World Around You”. Youtube users also have users putting up music unreleased music and being taken down because of copyright laws. Copyright laws are necessary because without them a lot of artist will take credit or not give credit for work that isn’t theirs.