The Long Tail

We have discussed the long tail as a sort of food chain for what is in and what is out. Some people make hits, while others get trapped in mediocraty known as niche. We have also talked about The 1,000 true fans theory for success. We were asked if there were any items; such as movies, comic books, sports teams, and music among other things that we have ever spent one hundred dollors or more on. Me for instance I spend that much on a pair for Jordan Brand sneakers every chance I get. That being said; Ms. Markman compared my incident on buying shoes to the 1,000 true fan theory, which I believe was brilliant. She took a very complicated matter of gaining fans and keeping fans and simply cut it down to a simple math equation. The price for any item may vary, but her math problem was 1,000(true fans) multiplied by 100 dollars equals 100,000 dollars. There are a select few people, items, and ideas that succeed, and everything, even those that don’t make the Hits portion of the long tail, are still apart of it no matter how bad/unpopular they are, and that is the beauty of trial and error. Some people make it big, while others get trapped in mediocraty.