Media 2.0 Review

This class is one of my favorite classes I have taken. Before this class i started thinking about the growing phenomena that is the long tail as my big fan of indie films and music. However this class I did not know how to go about explaining it. I also learn the insides if wikipedia and what it takes to moderate and be a contributor to an collective knowledge. Before this class i would just use wikipedia for quick information, but now i find myself analyzing the articles I search for. As I was writing my Artist profile paper and started to plug in the terms discusses in class, I learned that independent artist do not just get lucky there is a strategy to making a notable presence in the long tail. Before this class i have always wanted to start a blog, this class has forced me to start one for the final project. It was alot harder than expected. Getting people to follow me on twitter and actually read the blog has been challenging.

One thought on “Media 2.0 Review

  1. I was in the same boat as you when it came to blogging. Now that I have had one for three of my classes this semester, if I ever feel the need to make one in the future, I will have all experience necessary to successfully create and promote it. When it comes to my blog for the final project, I have a little bit of trouble promoting it and getting people to follow it because I probably only know 2 people who have and regularly use a Tumblr. Another thing this class has gotten me into is creating and editing videos. I also did learn that it takes a lot of work for people to become successful over the internet. I was able to get in touch with my entertainer that I did my paper on, and he still does not consider himself as successful.

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