DG The Prince Project Goals

I used Glogster for this project. The goal was to creat a glog that gave a little background on me and my career as a musician. I haven’t been doing it long, but it is never too early to start trying to build a fanbase. My target audience is anyone who listens to rap music, specificallly, but not limited to anyone from Savannah, GA and Memphis, TN who listens to rap. Along with Glogster I used Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Facebook more than any other social media sites. I believe I will continue this glog, It is fun, and easy to share on my social media sites. My Glog can be viewed through both my facebook and twitter accounts. While viewing videos on the glog, you can redirect yourself to youtube if you prefer. I normally just sell my demos at my job, but with Glogster I can just tell whoever where to find me in order to purchase their $5 demo from DG! Here are my links:

Glogster: http://www.glogster.com/spider72/-dgtheprince/g-6l5bd3i7ndkngsiq84jtda0

Facebook: David Gayden https://www.facebook.com/mobileprotection#!/david.gayden.3

Twitter: @DGThePrince https://twitter.com/DGThePrince

Youtube: dagayden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp4D317g4aI & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JAmlJkfpW0

My Dance Inspiration

The initial goal I had set out to achieve was to make a dance video of myself, which I had never done before.  I did make a “rough draft” video and put it on YouTube early on for practice.  Also I created a Tumblr blog to advertise what I liked and was about before I put up the video.  So really the main project was supposed to just be the video, but it ended up being the whole Tumblr blog that I created and uploaded the video to.  The bulk of my Tumblr is videos of dancers and perfomers, specifically Michael Jackson and the dancers of Dragon House Crew, that inspire me.  I have created a total of 24 posts including these videos, things that I have reblogged that related to my blog, as well as the two dance videos I have made of myself.   To try and promote my blog I posted links to it on both my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  This very unsuccessfully only generated about 1 or 2 followers.  The rest of the followers were friends and family members that I asked personally to follow it.  For the past week I have been searching for posts about things that I like and following the people that post them.  This worked a little better, until I realized that my dance blog was only the secondary blog to the blog I created first, and the one that the people I followed saw was one that I was not even using.  So to try and avoid them following this blog, I posted something directing them to my dance blog and telling them not to follow the primary one.

I finally got the finished product dance video finished over this past weekend and posted it today on Facebook, Twitter, and my Tumblr.  The only traffic it received regretfully though was on Facebook.  It was shared by my friends Dylan, Cheyenne, and Susan.  It was also shared by my sister and my mother.  Yes I know it’s a little pitiful, BUT THEY LOVE ME!  Also, all the traffic on Facebook did not lead any new people to follow me on Tumblr even though I posted the link to my Tumblr with the video.  Also, my friend Dylan posted  the first rough draft video I made.  Overall my video received 25 likes, 20 comments, and 5 shares.  My dance blog currently has 4 followers, and my primary blog has 2.

Overall, the video making process was a very frustrating experience at times with numerous complications, but even though I did not get as much traffic from it as I had hoped, it was definitely worth it.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhInLLwzcFI&feature=plcp Basshead

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGmi81JRs1k&feature=plcp 8 Bit Superhero

Project: Fantasy Basketball Beginners

My blog is a fantasy basketball blog that is intended to help and inform beginners to the hobby of fantasy basketball.  I offered some general helpful bog post, and also specific players to target in viewers specific leagues.  I also hoped lend my experience and knowledge of the sport to anyone who I came across on twitter and messege boards in an attempt to market the blog.

I marketed the blog on twitter and  various fantasy basketball message boards throughout the web.  On twitter I searched fantasy basketball and started following people who had been tweeting about it i an attempt to gain followers and ultimately in the hopes of an audience for the blog.  I then began to tweet my blog post along with teasers and information.  I also tweeted directly at people, answering questions, in the hopes of gaining a bigger audience.  On message boards I found people asking questions and gave my opinion on the matter and then asked them to check out my blog and gave them my twitter handle.

Overall, linking the post to tweets was the most productive way to get traffic to my blog.  However, linking my url to direct message board answers was a good way to connect to a potential audience more directly.


url: http://fantasybbb.blogspot.com/

twitter: https://twitter.com/fantasybballnew


Media 2.0 Project: The Streaming Rhino

For my media 2.0 project I created wordpress blog thestreamingrhino.wordpress.com. The blog is a review of various content I have watched via Netflix over the past couple months. I promoted this blog mostly on a twitter acount @streamingrhino where . As of Monday night i followed 72 twitter accounts that shared the same Interest in film and entertainment. I only gained 8 followers :(. However most of the followers were gained as I started to tweet more. I made 37 tweets, trying to tweet at least 2 times a day. Most of my tweets were about other buzz worthy film news. Over the weekend I decided to create a facebook page www.facebook/thestreamingrhino in hopes of drawing more people to my blog. On the page I just created status of all the reviews i posted. I gained another 12 likes on the facebook page. The biggest problem was getting people to read my blog as well as follow me on social media. Part of this was my own fault as I procrastinated with my post.

Some 1 Should Have Told U

I chose to write a book review/advice blog using wordpress. I am a member of several online book club communities on various sites such as Good Reads.  I contacted the groups and invited them to read my blog.  I also found several urban fiction blogs similar to mine on word press and I followed them and added their blogs to my blog links.  I asked them to follow me as well.  If I wrote a book review I found the author’s twitter address and told them to check out my blog.  I also joined a few blog promoting sites like The Sits Girls, and Blogaliscous.  These sites help drive viewers to your blogs if you comment on other members blogs. What worked best for me was sending twitter messages to the authors.  When I did a book review for Tamika Newhouse I sent her a message through twitter and she did a re-tweet, liked my review and then mentioned my blog on her blog site.  I had 59 views that day. Other artists that I did book reviews were not as poplar and I only recieved a few views from their readers.

I posted invitations on my personal twitter and facebook accounts for my friends to view my blogs and I only recieved a few views from those.   I noticed that blogs similar to mine had very little activity.  The bloggers had very few post over the last three weeks.  I’m thinking that they have busy schedules like mind and are finding it hard to post.




NBA and Fashion



Marketing my blog was more timing than expected. I started marketing my blog on personal twitter account  and recieved a few followers. I decided to make my Tumblr blog its seperate Twitter account to see if I could recieve more followers and to be able to promote it better. I seem to recieve a few more followers from my first attempt. So, once I saw a gain in my followers I wanted to get them more involved. I tweeted about my blog’s updates and I reached out to my followers by posting tweets where they could get involved. The way I tried to reach out to my fermale audience were by posting an all fashion blog. I think this was somewhat most succesful because I gained two girl followers from this. The most succesful marketing strategy was catering to both genders by linking other blogs that were similar to mines but that could be read by males or females.

Roscoe’s World

For my blog, as I stated in class, I went through a couple of ideas before I decided on dedicating my blog to pictures of my dog. It’s a blog that no one else will have, because I am the only owner of my dog, and I know that people on the internet love pictures of animals, who became my target audience. I initially had a few different means of promotion but after some had little to no success, I focused my energy on what was successful. I started by setting up a tumblr account, which includes a link to the twitter account, worked on the theme, color scheme, and placement, and then began adding pictures. A day after I had a good amount of content on my page, I created a twitter account for Roscoe and tried to promote through my personal facebook.

My least successful mean was through my personal facebook. I posted a status trying to get people to go to my blog, but only 9 people responded to it- 6 likes and 7 comments- and only a small percentage of people who typed in the web address visited. I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be very successful through facebook so I decided to focus more on twitter and through tumblr itself.

I had more success on twitter than I did on facebook. However, I was pessimistic about twitter at first. After I created my account, or Roscoe’s account to be exact, I customized a theme that had the same color scheme as my blog, and included a link to my blog. I then made a tweet, sat for a couple of minutes, and thought “oh yeah I have to have people follow me in order to make any progress”. I began following 1 other dog who had facebook and decided to call it a night and find people to follow the next day. However, the next day I was being followed by 9 dogs, including the dog I was following. It was pretty easy to get people to follow me because all I really did was follow dogs who would in return follow me along with some other people who followed them. At the end, I have 39 followers (29 are dogs, 4 people, and 6 that consist of either dog related products or dog tips), 2 direct messages, 1 dog tweeted to me, and 1 tweet of mine was favorited. I tweeted about 30 times.

Tumblr was very easy to gain an audience and is my most successful tool of promotion. About 87% of the page’s visitors were all directed through tumblr. The rest were either directed from twitter, a google search, and typing in the web address.

It’s really easy to promote yourself and successfully lead people to your page within tumblr. Thanks to tags, people are able to search for certain pictures they want to see which can then lead them to a tumblr page. I chose to do a combination of obvious tags like “dog, puppy, cute” to attract people that are looking for the kinds of pictures I have and tags, like “fall, stairs, goofymovie, snow, socks” that could drive people who weren’t looking for the kind of pictures I posted to my page. I tagged “roscoe” in every picture and I guess that could fall into either category. The more tags I made, no matter what they were, the more different opportunities I had to reach people. Whether someone was interested in pictures involving dogs, seasons, etc., whenever people do a search they will be able to look at my pictures in that tag and go to my page to look at all of the pictures. Each picture had at least 3 tags and the whole page had 57 different tags in total. Every picture used “dog, roscoe, cute” as tags.

It is also easy to post pictures on other people’s pages. One page that Roscoe was very successful on was loyal-2 me. His most successful picture that I submitted was “roscoe caught red handed playing with the yarn”. While that picture only got 2 notes on my tumblr page, the picture got 19 notes- 11 likes and 8 reblogs- on loyal-2 me’s page, which then led people to check out what other pictures I had on my page. I think promoting on tumblr itself was easy because many of the people who have tumblr pages are on there to either share or look at pictures and maybe the occasional video. It isn’t very heavy with text, which is exactly what my page is like. I also sent a few direct messages to loyal-2 me.

My blog had a total of 47 posts, which include 2 reflags, 1 video, and 57 photos (1 post could contain up numerous pictures- 1 of my posts contained 5 pictures). I followed 17 blogs, which all had something to do with cute animals. I gained 5 followers and acquired 14 likes and 1 reblog. Even though I only had 5 followers, I had more people who would go to the site everyday. While the most noted post on my page was “dreaming of a white christmas”, the video I posted of Roscoe howling/singing got the most views.

blog- roscoeworld.tumblr.com

twitter- https://twitter.com/RoscoesWorld

Fanboy Doug

This is a pic of my YouTube Analytics for the last 30 days.

For this project I set-up a Tumblr blog The B-List Celebrity Crushes of Fanboy Doug.  My marketing strategy was to promote my Tumblr through YouTube videos.  I knew that if I could get a lot of people to watch my videos then I could gain a few Tumblr followers.  I was really active on Twitter by becoming a part of different fandoms and sharing my songs/videos with other fans.  I would also check out different fan sites.  I would see if they had a fan art section on the site and if they did…I would ask them to post my videos on there.  I was able to build relationships with random people on Tumblr.  For example if they were blogging about a show that one of my crushes acted in…we would spend time talking to each other about how amazing the show is.  I would do this with people on Twitter as well. We would tweet each other and talk about The X Factor and our favorite contestants.

During this project I got 33 followers on Tumblr. Two of them were my classmates (John and Terrence) but the others I’ve never met before in my life.  I have also received a total of 119 notes on my Tumblr posts and I’ve gained over 80 followers on Twitter.  I think everything was pretty successful especially my YouTube videos.  I was able to utilize Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube to reach my target audience.

My URL’s

Tumblr – http://fanboycrushes.tumblr.com/

YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/fanboydoug

Twitter – http://twitter.com/FanboyDoug

My Project Highlights

1. Having my crushes Jennel Garcia and Chelsea Tavares tweet about the songs/vids that I made about them.

2.  Getting 2 verified followers on Twitter – Chelsea Tavares and Carly Rose Sonenclar

3.  Receiving 27 notes on one of my Tumblr posts – I’m an Emblem3 Fanboy



Mid-South Coonhounds Marketing Activities and Stats

As briefly discussed in my presentation, I used a variety of marketing activities to promote my blog– Mid-South Coonhounds. I started out by creating a Facebook page and a Twitter account for my blog. These two sites were live after I had around 4-5 posts, so I immediately started linking my blog pages to these accounts for exposure. After doing so, I  invited friends from my personal Facebook page to my Mid-South Coonhounds Facebook page. I got 28 likes from that, mostly from friends of mine who have dogs. Then I basically did the same thing with Twitter. I started following friends of mine who I thought might be interested in my blog. I didn’t get any follow backs from that. So I started doing searches on both Twitter and Facebook for users and groups that were talking about coonhounds as well as local pet adoption agencies and vet clinics. I found several groups on Facebook for coonhounds, and I joined them under my Mid-South Coonhounds Facebook page as well as my personal Facebook page. After interacting and promoting my page on the group pages, I got 21 additional likes on my page. Most importantly though, engagement increased on the Mid-South Coonhound Facebook page which featured blog posts and additional coonhound related posts and information. Below is a brief summary of all Facebook interaction on my 35 posts.

  • Cover Photo- 1 like
  • Frankenhound- 1 like, 2 comments
  • Combating and Upset Stomach- 1 like, 1 comment
  • Maddie Book Tour- 2 likes
  • Coonhound Ghost Video- 1 like, 1 comment
  • National Dog Show- 1 like
  • Starry Nights- 2 likes
  • Teaser- 2 likes
  • Coonhound Puppies Video- 1 like
  • Maple Photo Album- 5 likes, 1 comment
  • Annabelle Photo Album- 1 like
  • Laundry Question- 3 likes, 3 comments
  • Maple Photo- 3 likes, 2 comments
  • Santa Paws Village- 1 like
  • Profile Picture- 1 like
  • Buster Photo- 1 like
  • Maple Photo- 1 like
  • General Comments- 1
I also did the same thing on Twitter; however, I did not have as much success as Facebook. I followed several dog accounts and local pet adoption agencies and veterinarian offices, and I only received a total of 20 followers. I tweeted 59 times, and in response, I was retweeted 4 times, tweeted to 4 times, and 2 of my tweets were favorited.
In addition to these two marketing activities, I also emailed each blog owner on my blogroll. I was successful in reaching one of the owners from Coonhound Companions, and he actually added me to his Useful Links page. I also spoke to the owner of The Royal Coonhounds on the Urban Coonhounds Facebook page. She was happy that I was spreading the word about coonhounds, but nothing further has come from it so far.
Also, what I consider to be the best “marketing activity” that I did was soliciting participation from my audience. It’s been great word-of-mouth, especially from my last interview with the employee of Hollywood Feed who had adopted the three-legged coonhound. He has become an important contact for future posts.
Lastly, I had a few comments and likes directly on my 13 blog posts. Below are those stats along with a few other key highlights.
  • Combating an Upset Stomach- 4 likes
  • A Coonhound Owner Christmas Wish List- 1 comment
  • Followers- 1
  • Views- 415 total, 70 on busiest day (11/27/12)
  • Top Post- Buster
From here on out, I’m going to focus on interacting more on Facebook and continue to build my audience on Twitter. I would also like to do some outreach in the local community to move forward. I would eventually hope to make contacts in several locations throughout the Mid-South as well to add event information for other coonhound owners outside of the Memphis area.

You can visit my blog pages for my project using the links below. Thanks!