lack TV influence on this years election

Its seems this years election lacked in pop culture influence but definitely not in commericals. I have not had  time to watch much TV in the weeks that led up the election but I did notice that both candidates did not make as many television appearances as pervious candidates. From what i read Obama was on the both letterman and Jay leno and even late nite with Jimmy Fallon. He aslo made an appearance at an MTV Forum on the 26th of October. Romney made an appearance on live with kelly and Michael (which i forgot was still around) in September and cancelled his arrival with his wife Ann Romney to The View. Both Obama and Romney seem have appealed to somewhat random viewers. Obama appeals to more by being on both various late night talk show that range in age and Romney seems to appeal to who ever still watches live and kelly and Michael. I  didnt see the TV pazazz this year. Where were the SNL appearances? or Obama playing basketball? or Mitt Romney body boarding with big bird? I just didnt seen the usual use of tv appearances by political candidates.

One thought on “lack TV influence on this years election

  1. that’s a shocker —> i didn’t know that show was still around either….Those tv appearances can really make a difference and impact an election. I think Bill Clinton gained a couple of voters when he played the saxophone on The Arsenio Hall Show in 1992.

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