90% of Everything is Crap

The long-tail has supplied all media creators, both professional and amateur, with a great opportunity to relay their content to the masses.  However, most of this content, according to “Sturgeon’s Law” is crap.  Before the long-tail most of our media was pre-filtered for us, and we got whatever was given to us by the media companies.  Now, with the development of you-tube and other media sharing websites that do not discriminate against the talentless or the pointless anyone is welcome to express themselves anyway they please.

However, even though 90% of everything may be crap, that leaves 10% percent of great media that otherwise would have never been seen.  The long-tail may be an un-filtered mess, but in that mess can be greatness. People have begun to develop websites that filter the long tail for us and bring the cream of the long-tail to the top.  So even if 90% of everything is really crap, it is worth our time and effort to filter through this ourselves and find the good stuff.

2 thoughts on “90% of Everything is Crap

  1. I agree and I do feel it is worth filtering through to find the good stuff cause you may find some more interesting than you wanted.

  2. I agree, too. Pretty much everything I purchase online I love because I can make an informed decision about it because there are so many reviews online. For instance, my bathroom cabinet under my sink had been a mess for a really long time. Everything was basically just thrown in there without organization. I finally started looking on Amazon and other places on the web to find shelves. I eventually found a shelving system, and based on user reviews online, I bought it. Turns out, the reviews were right, and now my cabinet is organized. So I may have sorted through a ton of “crap” online to find this shelf, but at least all of those options were available for me in order to meet my needs and my budget.

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