Salons: Paris in 1900, persistance of the “grand monde”

Alice Bernard’s recent dissertation, La persistance du modèle aristocratique : mode de vie et sociabilité du grand monde parisien (1900-1939) catalogues the attendees of Parisian salons in the year 1900 by counting mentions of notables in the pages of Le Figaro‘s supplement on the grand monde. Among her findings: le grand monde was alive and well in 1900, dominated by a small group of nobles, issued from old regime families.

Networks remain tight and centered around the grandes familles. As Bernard writes, the family remains at the center of the “système-Monde.”

Family Relations in Paris 1900

Likewise, the mondains remain clustered in a small area of Paris around the Place de l’Étoile, the right bank.

Apartments of Mondains in 1900

The 19th-Century Networks database contains Bernard’s full dataset on the Parisian grand monde in 1900. Her dissertation contains a complete demographic profile of the Parisian notables mentioned in Le Figaro.

2 thoughts on “Salons: Paris in 1900, persistance of the “grand monde”

  1. Patty Black

    The salons of Paris in 1900 exemplified the persistence of the “grand monde,” serving as hubs for intellectual and cultural exchange among elites. These gatherings maintained their relevance by fostering influential networks and creative collaborations. For a deeper exploration, consulting an executive summary writer can provide concise insights into the historical and social significance of these prestigious salons.


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