Using Drug and Holistic Detox Therapies

Ever heard of equine therapy? The treatment method is also called horse therapy as it involves weekly interactions between patients and horses to help get through the initial stages of drug addiction. Drug addiction is a hard topic to talk about and open up for with counselors during treatment, so some patients feel that having on-verbal communication with animals like horses is much more helpful. Similar to the type of pet therapy with dogs or cats that patients in hospitals use, equine therapy incorporates outside activities with horses outside and inside a facility. Usually a therapist who specializes in the treatment method is assigned to the patient and spends time observing their behavior patterns as they interact with the horses on site. Often they will notice a shift in their emotions and composure over time when they heal with the help of the gentle mammals around them. Understanding the benefits of equine therapy can be extremely helpful if you’re looking to start holistic therapy in the near future.

Equine therapy brings peace and confidence.

Benefits Of Equine Therapy

Many benefits come with practicing consistent equine therapy as it doesn’t involve the use of traditional pain pills or anti-drug medication. Patients benefit from naturally healing their mind and body with the help of horses. Some of the best benefits that come with equine therapy include:

  • It improves emotional awareness and mental clarity in patients. After a long time spent interacting with animals and zoning in on their internal thought processes, patients learn more about their mind and bodies. They often learn how to overcome previous mental blocks that brought negativity to their lives and can bypass the anxious thoughts that come to mind throughout the day. Many of these benefits of equine therapy are rooted in nature of the animals. Horses are patient, enjoy the company of humans who treat them well, are typically non-judgmental, and have no ill expectations or motives. They respond to the feeling state we show and are naturally herd animals so they have very high emotional intelligence compared to other mammals like dogs. They often are tuned into the behaviors and expressions of those around them and in turn make great companion animals for people going through drug addiction treatment. While working with horses equine therapy patients come to terms with their preconceived beliefs about their world, their mind, and form great topics of discussion and during their equine therapy.
  • Equine therapy can help treat a variety of diseases. Equine therapy has been successfully integrated the programs for adults and teens who are going through abuse, addiction to drugs and alcohol and serious mental disorders. Symptoms from issues like ADHD, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, and even PTSD are shown to alleviate after a patient goes through an entire program of equine therapy. If a patient wants to sign up for the program, they need to declare what symptoms they are facing with their doctor and enroll in a local facility that provides equine therapy. Typically this treatment method is present in rural areas so be sure that you are located to one that isn’t far away.
  • Equine therapy helps to improve anxiety about past traumatic events. Horses can open the door to processing hurt and negative feelings from what injured a person before. With their non-judgmental state, horses help patients especially suffering from long term PTSD to learn about where these feelings came from. If the horse exhibits helplessness or fear, they may see their emotions within the animal and understand more about what is going on in their mind. They may come to terms with the fact that their environments are always out of their control and it’s up to them to stay strong and open, just like the horses in therapy. Any type of reaction from the horse’s and the patients themselves is a great learning tool for individual therapy during treatment. Counselors can use their observations to find topics about stress and anxiety to cover to the patients who need help the most.
  • Equine therapy teaches us the value of honest, hard, and consistent work. Horses require us to work to feed them well, clean their stalls, give them baths, buy food, and train them to ride during the day.. Domestic horses have to be groomed, exercised, and paid close attention to. They’re very social animals as well so building an organic relationship with them during treatment is a must for a patient who has enrolled. Similar to the real world, we all have to work hard to take care of ourselves, our families, and maintain close relationships with our friends. If we are constantly focuses on ourselves and being selfish, those aspects of our world can suffer or decline over time. Horses help patients learn to enjoy the process and stay patient when obstacles come our way. Developing a personal relationship with one is said to be one of the most extraordinary experiences someone can go through.

Equine Therapy For Life 

You don’t have to live on a farm or have a personal pet horse to benefit from equine therapy. The treatment has been shown to improve the physical and mental health of patients suffering from a variety of disorders for years. The natural method is emotionally supportive, keeps people accountable to work hard, and motivates them to stay more mindful about their thoughts and the world around them. If you don’t know if equine therapy is for you, look up health treatment centers are around your region. Sometimes staying in a sober living home is more effective than commuting to one during a busy week. See what works for you because you won’t regret the improved health you experience!

Used cars under $15k

Some people prefer buying used cars so they can save money, keep their costs down and go on the road throughout the day with less stress about a crash. Thousands of different used cars are on the market today for sale. The key to finding a great car is to make sure that it is coming from a reliable owner, has a clean title, and is up to date with the features you want. Most importantly, you want to make sure the history of the car is clean and isn’t hiding unknown fixes that would cause worry. Brands like Honda, Toyota, and Chevy all proved great deals from used car dealerships and last for several years even after the sale. Let’s walk through some of the best reasons why you should consider used cars under $15k to buy when you want to stay on a budget.

Buy your dream used car.

Cars To Focus On

With the amount of cars on the market it’s hard to focus on what particular brand or model suits you bests. Some people swear by driving Mercedes for the aesthetic appeal with others like Volkswagen for the safety features that pass road tests consistently every year. Sometimes price is the only priority for buyers which allows for more flexibility in picking a car that suits their personal needs. Some of the best benefits from buying a used car under $15k include:

  • You save on depreciation of the car. The top reason why a used car under $15k can be better deal than a new one a lot of money is saved. Some top of the line cars can cost upwards of hundreds of thousands dollars, while the same used versions can be around half the manufacturer price. Wait a few more years the same model will be marked down heavily and many more varieties will be available to try out at a discount. If you’re a fan of buying luxury branded cars going used is a great option so you’re not breaking the bank. Many newer models can drop by tens of thousands of dollars each year if you watch closely. Every car’s value goes down in thousands of dollars regardless of brand overall so it’s an important concept to keep in mind. A 2015 model BMW might not sound so outdated after all once you weigh the cost benefits to buying a new one outright.
  • Model related issues are smoothed out. One of the good reasons why buying a used car is a good idea is that many first year models come with unforeseen issues. For example, the brand new Honda Civic in 2016 came with a variety of operational and electronic issues that had users angry and stressed. In order to avoid dealing with issues that the manufacturer needs to fix, buy cars that are already pre-owned and a few years old. You’ll know what to look out for ahead of time because they are thoroughly documented by former reviewers. Some people may even have YouTube reviews and other articles about the car as it grows in age and more people become experienced in managing it.
  • You have a wider variety of models to choose from. When you buy brand new cars, you’re usually limited to the year’s latest model and what is to offer at the time. With used cars under $15k price, you have a higher chance of finding a model that provides features that are exactly what you want. You may even find models from brands like Honda or Toyota with great sports features and upgrades that the previous owner installed. Buying a used car opens the options so the choices are nearly endless. Try to look at what you prefer before walking into a dealerships and aimlessly wandering around!
  • You will save on car insurance. Insurance is usually more expensive with new cars and can even go up if the model is luxury. For example, the insurance costs between a Maserati and a Honda Civic will be thousands of dollars in difference. Make sure you do your homework and know what “gap insurance” in case the car gets in an extremely bad accident. In the event that the car gets totaled, you’ll want to make sure your rates will cover replacements and the sales tax for buying a new vehicle as well. Talk to your personal insurance provider to get the details straight before it’s too late.
  • You benefit from CPO warranties compared to new car programs. Sometimes the warranties that come with a brand new car can rip customers off without even realizing what they signed up for. Certified pre-owned programs have changed the industry and makes buying a car extremely used friendly. You will get a warranty for the car, a service guide, and peace of mind as your drive off from the used car dealership. You’ll have the advantages of saving money and resting assured that your vehicle will be properly maintained as it continues to age throughout the years.

Buying Your Dream Car 

Getting a new car doesn’t have to complicated or break the bank. Owning a new car is great, but I still highly recommend buying a used one under $15k so you’re saving money for more important matters in life. You want to focus on getting a great deal from a used car dealership so you benefit from warranties, an affordable rate, a variety of model choices, and peace of mind overall. If you’re worried about the trustworthiness of the dealership, read about previous customer reviews and their better business bureau rating before spending your money. You’ll feel better about handing over your personal information and purchasing a high ticket item that way.

Using An Intervention For An Addict

If you know a loved one who is going through drug or alcohol addiction you may feel helpless. Some people turn to the emotion of anger as they realize their family member, friend, or spouse is abusing illegal substances in their free time. Some people turn to enablement and allow their loved on to continue their substance abuse in fear of losing their close relationship. Some turn to stonewalling and completely cut out the addict from their lives to prevent further damage. Some encourage the addict and tune into the addiction so they can maintain a feeling of love and intimacy with the person. No matter what a person decides to do, an addict will not stop their addiction until they are faced with the hard facts about their behavior and what consequences have been caused by it. Since talking about addiction and explaining your feelings can be hard during a face to face conversation, experts recommend writing an in depth intervention letter to communicate. Letters are great because they can be edited, rewritten, and peer reviewed before the final presentation to the addict. You’ll want to show battle proof evidence that the addict is being destructive and provide a realistic plan for them to follow so they can get treatment. Let’s walk through the best tips for writing an intervention letter so you don’t make any mistakes!

Write a successful intervention letter.

Writing An Intervention Letter

Thinking back to high school days I was always stressed about writing essays and letters for assignments. If you didn’t have concrete directions and tips from someone who did it well, you could easily find yourself at a loss for words. Some of the best methods to follow when writing an intervention letter to a loved one includes:

  • Being clear and concise. Explain what your feelings are, what instances make you angry from their substance abuse, and why you believe that they need to get treatment. Get the quotes from people who are also affected by the addict and provided a clear plan for him or her to follow to get help. If your letter is all over the place, sounds too controversial or puts down the addict, your plan for them to change will backfire. We all like having straight to the point opinions and directions when we are going through a new process so make it as easy as possible for the addict to understand your words. Be honest and don’t sugarcoat things if you truly want them to stop abusing drugs or alcohol.
  • Coming from a place of love. You want the addict to change and still believe that they are a good person besides the fact that they’re abusing drugs or alcohol. Make it known in your letter that you deeply care about them, their health, and their future. State that you are trying to understand their perspective and don’t want them to continue getting hurt. If you knew the person for a long time, take time to talk about some of the favorite memories you had together before they began their addiction. Thinking back to the good days may help the addict to remember your relationship and why you care so much about their wellbeing.
  • Include treatment plans and a variety of choices. Make sure that the addict knows that treatment is not what the movies show anymore. There is no asylum type treatment for addicts that confines you in a room for days. Mention that there’s now group therapy that helps the addict meet a variety of people and gain emotional support. Tell them that recovery companions can be assigned to clients who want one on one interactions and personal advice about getting through tough withdrawal symptoms. Explain what natural remedies are available like art therapy, equine therapy, music therapy, and more that help people progress through their triggers. Let the addict know that all these treatment methods are meant to treat the person as a whole and doesn’t just rely on another medical prescribing that could cause other problems. The world is much more caught up on treating physical and mental addictions than it was even a decade ago.
  • Signing them up beforehand. If you want to force the addict to go to an initial appointment with a treatment expert, mention the date and center that they can go to. If you make an appointment for them beforehand, the addict is less likely to have an excuse to give about being busy and fading out of thin air. They may be more encouraged to be open about what treatment options are available, talk about their struggles, and start an actual plan if you do the busy work for them. It does sound like a lot of amends to make on your end but if you truly care about them you’ll do whatever it takes to boost your chances!
  • Being optimistic and encouraging. Tying back to our theme of being loving to the addict, make sure you end your letter with a sign of positivity and motivation. Talking about their world ending and saying that all will be lost throughout the entire letter will be very draining for them to read. After you talk about their addiction risks, your treatment plan, and what they need to do to get help, mention that they are strong human beings and are loved by many. Tell them that they have the power to chance and only need to stay consistent with making good decisions to get out of their addiction. Many people fall into addiction without even realizing it, so breaking that mental barrier of defeat is crucial.

Moving Forward

Anyone who has a drug or alcohol addiction can be moved to change with the right intervention letter. If you want them to do extra research, get them to fill out an intervention quiz or do it yourself to see what the next steps are. You’ll learn a lot more about timing an intervention and how to best conduct one with an addict you know well. We all can benefit from extra knowledge in communicating with others so check out your resources!

Eating An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Healthy food is nice to talk about in theory and annoying to practice in reality. We all want to believe that we follow a great diet and our treating our body with care. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to downing cups of kombucha and eating kale all day in order to achieve the results of a healthy diet. Often our diseases, fatigue, and other issues can come up from eating an inflammatory diet. This means that the foods we eat could be irritating our bodies and making it more prone to developing a sickness.

Common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or irritable bowel syndrome can be traced back to having untreated and chronic inflammation. By following tasty and nutritious anti-inflammatory foods, some symptoms you have can be reduced or even disappear overall in time. Let’s cover the best foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties to start eating right now!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

With enough inflammation, our immune system starts providing a stash of white blood cells to areas of concern for treatment in our body. Short term inflammation can be from minor cuts and scrapes, short sicknesses, and other issues. This is our body’s normal and healthy response to keep us functioning strong in the long term. However, if our immune system starts attacking body tissues that are healthy, people start to see disorders like fibromyalgia, celiac disease, asthma, and even diabetes. Since there’s no direct cure with medication, it helps to eat foods that help combat the inflammation inside in a natural way. In fact, patients in a 2014 medical study did find that they were able to stop using at least one of their medications after eating anti-inflammatory foods.

To start moving toward an anti-inflammatory diet, we have to avoid foods that are overly processed in factories and contain loads of scary chemicals or dyes. There’s been a massive number of recalls for foods that contained dangerous blue and red dyes in common cereals, juices, and packaged desserts. Many doctors suggest following the eating patterns of the Mediterranean diet, a diet incorporating various fresh fruits, lean meats like fish, and fiber abundant vegetables. It contains little to no red meat, absolutely no chemicals, and a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids that aid  heart health.

Other Anti-Inflammatory Foods

  1. Get your sweets in by eating good fruits like fresh berries instead! Eating foods like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries are great because each serving contains a large dose of vitamin C. Grapefruit, watermelon, and apples are also great to get into hydration and extra fiber in throughout the day. You’ll feel more energized not feel as tempted to reach for the candy bar next time to sweet tooth hits you. If you do need to give into the craving, alternative desserts like Halo Top or protein cookies are a great choice that have less additives than the traditional food.
  2. Eat more whole than white grains. White grains are highly processed and area totally drained of their nutritional content in the factory. All the fiber and grains are depleted in the manufacturing process and lots of sugars are added to boost the taste. Instead opt for Ezekial bread, sprouted breads, and even whole grain pitas so you can get in healthy carbohydrates throughout the day.
  3. Eat meats that have health fats.Fatty fish and some lean meats are a great source of protein and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Each acid does a great job to reduce inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation patients swear by eating at least a few servings a week for the nutrition it provides. If you can’t get enough of fatty fish in the week, you can also get supplement omega-3 fatty-acids by pill form and take it in the morning or night. Go for the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, or anchovies. These are great to incorporate into baking, stir fry recipes, soups, and other snacks!
  4. Eat your high fiber vegetables.Broccoli and its close relative cauliflower are great for decreasing the risk of heart disease with its antioxidants. Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane as well,  an antioxidant that strongly fights signs of inflammation and boosts your immune system. Veggies like zucchini, celery, carrots, and potatoes are great as well to get in fiber and additional taste in your meals. Avocados are also packed with extremely high levels of potassium, magnesium, fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. They’re a tasty addition to any salad, breakfast burrito, and works great in dessert recipes as well. Explore what amazing dishes are out there!
  5. Drink your water black teas, red teas, and tasty green tea. Unsweetened tea is one of the best beverages you can drink for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also lowers our risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer along with boosting your metabolism with consistent use. As someone who loves to drink coffee, green tea is a great alternative for a small boost in the evening that will calm down your system at the same time!

Follow An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Eating a new diet that prevents inflammation might be hard, but the long term benefits well worth the upfront changes to your lifestyle. Sometimes it takes trial and error to see what meals you like and what ones you are fine avoiding. Lots of resources and articles are available today to incorporate the foods into your breakfasts, lunch, and dinners. Even snacks that you bring to work can be anti-inflammatory if you prepare them in advance. Make sure to look up what resources are available, especially if you’ve been suffering from inflammatory issues or diseases that root from chronic inflammation!

Eat organic for it’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

Adolescent Detox

Teens are facing a lot in life right now. They juggle social pressures, social media, school stress, and living under the same roof as their parents. They may want to feel freedom and gain independence or are stressed at the thought of even moving out. What most people don’t know is that younger teens are at more risk than ever for developing symptoms of depression and anxiety. If they speak up to their friends, they could be faced with embarrassment or labeled “weird” for not pretending like everything is okay. Depression is much more than just a phase since it isn’t easy to magically shake off. If someone doesn’t take action and buries their frustrations, pent up emotions and physical signs of depression can slowly take over. A teenager could fall into a cycle of seeking dangerous and addictive faces as well like drugs or alcohol. Make sure you’re aware of how teen depression works and how to stop it!

Teens are facing higher rates of anxiety and depression.

Teens are facing higher rates of anxiety and depression.

Help For Depression In Teens

For any teen that is going through depression, it is crucial to get help as soon as possible. They may think that going to a counselor or a treatment center is making way too much of a “big deal”, but the consequences that follow unresolved depression are much greater than the actions they need to take now. Treatment centers around the country have specialists that are meant to directly help teenagers adapt through puberty, social pressures, and school anxiety all while dealing with symptoms of depression. Their unique stage in life takes a unique professional perspective, so don’t encourage a teenager to go to any expert for help.

Most universities offer their own counseling services at no cost for students and many high schools now also have their own in-house specialist. If a teenager feels uncomfortable being around their peers, they can also explore online support groups and off-campus centers in the community. Holistic medicine centers and other natural approaches help teenagers treat their mind, body, and spirit instead of push the use of mediations. Some teens suffer from adverse side effects from anti-depression meds so having a consultation meeting in the beginning is crucial.  Educate yourself with what your options are if you suspect symptoms of depression coming on.

Red Flags Of Depression

Depression is a silent disorder, but physical signs of it can come about in a teenager over time. The teenager can exhibit extreme weight loss or weight gain, worse off sleeping habits, poor hygiene, and lose control of their physical appearance in general. They may just look a lot paler from malnutrition or tired from lack of quality sleep in general. If you know the teenager well you will tell a difference in the way they carry themselves. As a result of not taking care of themselves, they will perform more weakly in their sports or school activities, seem more “out of it”, and may catch diseases more easily than you remembered as well. Girls and guys may show differing signs of depression so keep a keen eye out for any sudden changes.

Teens with depression go through intense mental trauma. Since their hormones start to become more erratic from the disorder, their emotions can experience frequent highs and lows even throughout one day. One morning they may seem fine while a few hours later they could appear like they’re about to cry. If this is much more sudden in change than usual, try your best to talk to them and keep an open mind.  If they start to, appear more irritable or down than usual, or generally “unplugged” from the world then they may be going through something. Most importantly, a teenager can begin to lose sight of their normal personality, relationships, and interests as well. They may start to appear less present and skip invites to events because they are going through an episode of depression.

Impact Of Depression On The Brain

Depression can affect a teen’s brains in dramatic ways. Not only do they see the world in a negative light but they may start to be overly critical of themselves and think about lies regarding their reality. They have a hard time thinking about positive thoughts and could intensify experiences or interactions with people much more than usual. Teens with depression are also much more prone to stress and can get easily overwhelmed by small problems. They may feel like the sky is falling down at any moment and may over exaggerate certain obstacles that frequently happen in everyday life.  A family history of depression could play a role in a teenager’s risk in developing symptoms. Depression can run in families, but not everyone with a depressed family member is also destined to become depressed. Talk to anyone in your family who went through depression and you’ll see that often it was a combination of stress in life, their poor health, and other factors that led to their disorders.

Depression in teens heavily impacts their brains.

Getting Help

Being depressed as a teen and getting over depression doesn’t have to be as hard as we all think it is. We all have hope and have the power to take meaningful action. The key is to get professional help from an adolescent drug detox treatment center, a counselor, and a support group so you know exactly what steps to take. Everyone will have a different experience with depression so remember that we can’t expect certain tactics that worked for others to do the same for us. It takes time to learn our bodies, navigate our minds, and conquer our temptations so we are truly making improvement. Be sure to ask as many questions as you need to along the way so you aren’t left in the dark!

Have A Healthy Microbiome

Want to avoid having disease in the future? Tired of having bloating, headaches, and stomach issues after eating your favorite meals? Want to benefit from improved mental clarity and health overall? This isn’t some ad for a magic pill or recipe, but a call for you to switch to maintaining a new lifestyle that boosts your chance for having a healthy microbiome. A microbiome makes up the variety of healthy gut bacteria that keeps the digestion system strong. Anti-inflammatory foods contain antioxidants, minerals, and other important bacteria that improves the efficiency and strength of our immune system. It promotes the popular “gut health” we are hearing about so much in the media.

Not everyone knows that exactly gut health even means, and I sure didn’t even a year ago. Luckily, I’ve compiled the best tips for building up a microbiome that helps keep your body strong. You’ll want to learn these tricks that are easy to implement into your daily schedule so you benefit from less digestion issues, lower risk of disease, and even weight loss when accompanied with consistent exercise!

Building A Healthy Microbiome

Common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or irritable bowel syndrome can be traced back to having an unhealthy microbiome. Eating many inflammatory foods can further irritate our body and lower its strength to deal with dangerous agents from the outside environment. At the end of the day, all we have is our health is make sure you eat well and stay mindful of your nutrition in general. The first step to take is to cut out highly processed and sugary foods that provide you zero nutritional value. While you can eat these foods from time to time for a treat, you should eat natural and organic produce the majority of the time so your microbiome is supported. Sugar causes our digestion to go into overdrive and has no nutritional benefit at all. Sugar also leads to mental crashes shortly after a huge amount is eaten. Eating enough vegetables, fresh fruits, lean meats or dairy (if you’re vegan), and healthy fats is a great place to start. These foods are available at any grocery outlet and you don’t have to break the bank at a place like Whole Foods to get your fresh foods. After you gather your materials, start cooking more meals at home to save money and limit the amounts of oils and sodium that are added to it. Most restaurants secretly add ingredients to boost flavor that skyrocket the amount fats and sodium total.

Another basic rule to follow is to stay hydrated. Drinking at least seven to eight glasses of water each day so your body can work well during the day and night. Our bodies are made mostly from water so having enough of it is crucial for us to stay healthy. Being short on water can cause dehydration effects like headaches, aches, low energy, increased appetite, and poor sleep. It’s a simple but crucial building block to helping our bodies fight inflammation and disease. Drink your black teas, red teas, and green tea as well if you want more flavor during the day. Make sure you limit the sugar and milk you use in it and never order the “regular” from restaurants because it contains lots of dangerous additives.

Adding Probiotics

Increasing the amount of probiotics you eat will also help your microbiome stay healthy and maintain a beneficial variety of bacteria to aid digestion. They may improve digestive health, reduce depression, promote heart health and some evidence suggests they may even give you better-looking skin. Some foods that have probiotics naturally include Greek yogurt, kefir, and soy milk. These foods come a wide variety of flavors and types of milks made from so you can easily add them to your diet. Just remember that any recipe that requires heating the yogurt in any way is going to kill off its good bacteria, so stick to no-cook recipes for the most gut benefits. Other great foods that contain probiotics include kombucha and pickles because of their fermented prosperities. In the past few years kombucha has skyrocketed in popularity and comes in an assortment of brands to choose from. As for fruits or veggies, raw apples, bananas, asparagus, beans, artichokes, garlic, onions, and leeks are all great sources.

If you don’t like to eat any of these choices, you can also take a daily probiotic supplement by pill or powder form to aid your gut health. Make sure these supplements are organically made and come in a flavor you like! You can then taking them with water in the morning or add the powder to a daily smoothie or parfait that is packed with essential nutrition for your body. If you have any more questions, consult your doctor and do some research on your own for the best brands to try in this category.

Maintain A Microbiome For Life

To get the results you want, make sure to stay consistent and be more mindful of what you’re eating and drinking during the day. Make sure you keep in mind of what is in your beverages and foods when you eat out and take enough vitamins and minerals throughout the week. Don’t overlook important things like drinking enough water and sleeping at night because allows our body to continue to work well. If something is lacking in one of those categories, make the necessary changes in your lifestyle so your health is put first. Limit your wild nights of drinking, cut out your chocolate cake desserts, and buy more organic produce for starters so your body can have a break. Just listening to your body makes a world of a difference!

Eat natural foods for a healthy microbiome.

Eat natural foods for a healthy microbiome.

What Is Sex Addiction?

Sex addiction is hard to talk about and even more difficult to go through. It’s seen as a secret act, is the root of infidelity in some cases, and is touchy because every relationship treats it differently. Men and women are held on different unfair standards for sex, especially by the media even today. We might be outspoken with our loved ones about the activity, guys may pass on their favorite videos of sex in their “bro-chats”, and girls may shy away from sharing what is or isn’t working from them while they have sex. Everyone is different on their perspectives about it. Not everyone is willing to share them.

When it comes to a sex addiction, the line is drawn when the act transforms from pleasure to a full-fledged dependency. A person with an addiction to sex might be severely insecure and see active validation by the act, be addicted to porn, talking to people outside of their relationship, have a history of cheating, or find that they just can’t go a few hours without thinking about it. No matter if you are a girl or boy, it’s important to know what the signs of a person with a sex addiction are and if you might be with someone who has one. Understanding where their behavior is stemming will help you fortify your ability to talk to them and direct them to help.

Get through sex addiction with healing.

Signs of Sex Addiction

It should be totally normal for a person to want to have sex or experience it with someone that they care about or at least interested in. Sex is part of being a human, it’s like eating or sleeping during the day. It’s a natural cause and it’s the reason we are all here today. At the same time, addiction experts can draw out a few key symptoms of people who have a sex addiction since it takes a toll on their life and mental clarity.

If the person you’re with is showing signs of the following behaviors, they may be displaying compulsive behavior:

  • They have cheated and demonstrated addictive behavior before. I believe in second chances, and just because someone cheated before doesn’t mean they’ll do the same thing with you. People can change and shape up if they choose to do so for themselves. If the person’s history unravels and it looks like a serial line of infidelity, you may want to stop and think. What is causing this reason to stray away? Are they having unusually high standards for their partners? Or are they addicted to filling in their sexual ego? These are all questions to brew in the back of your mind if you realize you need to talk to your partner. If the person tells you in the beginning that they have cheated in the past, take it as a blessing. Not everyone admits to cheating and they are doing you a favor if that’s a deal breaker for yourself.
  • They demonstrate compulsive behavior. This means that they can easily get hooked to something that excites them, like sex. They might make up a lot of lies to cover up their tracks as well. People who have a compulsive behavior issue tend to be compulsive liars, even towards the people they care the most about. They can’t control it after it becomes a bad habit. You won’t be able to cover all of their tracks during the day, and there’s no need to put a tracker on their phone to tell. That’s the extreme end and usually you will realize that their actions aren’t matching up to their words. Overall, if you are in a relationship with someone that doesn’t make you feel secure or supported enough, you need to get out. Usually you can trust your gut feeling in this case.
  • They lack mental clarity. Someone who has a sex addiction won’t be able to cope during a normal day without thinking about sex in some shape or form. A normal conversation with a girl or boy could cross the line, they could get caught for inappropriate browsing at work, or they could be stashing photos or videos on their phones that lead to an issue. Leads that are pointing to consistent topics on sex on social media should be one of the dead tale signs of sex addiction. Maybe they leave the room in the middle of a movie, stay in the bathroom too long, or are taking their lunch break at odd times during the day. Unusual behaviors like this and often looking “out of it” could be a sign that their head isn’t where it should be. If they also say they are helping themselves down there many times during the day, also watch out. This is one trait that can cross the line really quick, especially if they are at work or at school during the day. An exorbitant number of times a day is not normal for anyone. Take it as a flashing red light of their oncoming sex addiction.
  • They may flirt or sext too much. If you know that they’re talking about sex with someone of the same sex as you, you may start to feel upset and insecure that they’re flirting with that person as well. It hurts to read messages that are explicit, especially if you’ve already told your partner that that behavior isn’t okay. If they respect you enough, they will continue. If they continue, you know what to do.

Get Sexual Addiction Treatment

If you suspect that a person you’re spending time with, dating, or even married to might have a sex addiction to really watch their behavior. Maybe you realize that you have a sex addiction that is interfering with your relationships, your mental clarity, and your productivity above all at work. If it’s taking a toll on you, it’s definitely needs to be addressed as soon as possible with the help of a professional therapist or even an online support group if you are too embarrassed. Sex is still a highly taboo topic for people to talk about, especially if they are developing an addiction to it.

If you are especially committed to the person that you are in a relationship with, gethelp and talk to them in an intervention style manner. Approach them with an open mind and don’t point any fingers at them if they haven’t been on their best behavior. All of us hurt for different reasons, have different vices, and take out our stress in different ways. Some people smash weights in the gym, some go out, some take drugs, some get in fights with their loved ones, and some turn to sex. Everyone is different so it takes time to understand their point of view. If you don’t want to see them fall in the future, consider talking to them about getting sex addiction recovery so they can regain a better focus on their life. Sex addiction is definitely conquerable if you take matters into your hands.

Men and women can deal with sexual addiction.

Workplace Addiction

Workplace addiction is a common problem that today’s industries are battling. Everyone deals with stress differently and could turn to addictive substances like drugs or alcohol to take the edge off. For people who are feeling like they’re nearly at their limit, sometimes smoking a joint or taking a few shots in between shifts is what they need to keep feeling strong. The classic line of cocaine on the desk in the banking facility is a common reality when you look at the statistics. As great as it may make them feel in the short term, workplace addiction isn’t right and is extremely dangerous. For those operating machinery, driving, or are on the front lines of dealing with customers, maintaining a sober state of mind is crucial. Anything that tampers with their mental clarity could lead to complaints, failure perform well, injuries, or even death at the worst case.

While we all think we’re invincible at some point, no one wants to become completely tied to using drugs or alcohol to just get by. Even self-proclaimed addicts know that their habits aren’t healthy and could lead to the loss of their professional career. Since workplace addiction is a growing issue, companies are enforcing strict policies for testing and dismissal. Be sure you know the facts before you take the risk.

Workplace addiction needs to be addressed immediately.

Workplace Addiction Consequences

Using drugs of any kind extremely impairs decision-making abilities and physically impaired people while they are on the job. Nearly 10-20% of American workers who die at work have a positive result when tested for drugs or alcohol from their employers. Besides not following the rules, people can risk being suspended on their job, become demoted, or dismissed completely. That type of dismissal can stay on their record and can come up at awkward times if they try to apply for another corporate job. Companies have a right to contact previous employers and investigate their candidates at most times! What’s alarming is that almost nearly industry struggles with workplace addiction including bartending, healthcare, construction, transportation, financial investing, and even media to name a few. Celebrities, mainstream movies, and hit songs can further encourage the use of drugs and alcohol in susceptible minds that aren’t educated on its risks.

The sooner the problem is stopped the quicker recovery can begin for an employee. Drugs and alcohol are not the answer to dealing with stress, and they need to know that their “high” will only become a painful, tiring, and stressful come down. Not every drug will provide the same withdrawal effects so people could suffer from a wide range of headaches, bloodshot eyes, restlessness, or muscle aches from not getting their dose.

Workplace Addiction And Long Term Risks

Workers all have to go through periods of high stress and anxiety on their job. The unhealthy habits and addiction and sprout from them ignoring their stress symptoms and allowing the feeling to build up inside their body. Some people may crack and resort to drugs and alcohol to deal with the tension they’ve been hiding for so long. Many addicts at work are high functioning and can cover up their habits to the rest of their company. The guy at the corner of the office may be dressed up in a nice suit, but what is he doing during his long lunch breaks? Over time, people will start to ask questions and interrogate if their coworker is someone they see nearly every day.

A worker may start to look less put together from lack of sleep or control of their addiction. They could carry a scent of the substance, look tired or overly stressed, or seem defensive if any questions about their activities are asked. In either case, if you work at a company with rules enforced you can’t expect someone not to notice the change. People may be telling your manager about your habits and all people could be watching you for some time before discipline steps in. Companies will not tolerate any use of drugs in general for workers who are at or off work. Anyone heavily relying on their job needs to steer clear from addictive substances and know better than to chase the high.

In the big picture, the company can suffer from bad press or poor reviews from customers. This leads to declined sales and a damaged reputation if the caught employee is in upper management especially. Even if you’re an entry level work, you’re probably directly talking to your clients and are doing some of the most important daily tasks for your company. Don’t allow your addiction to brew, get help from addiction treatment professionals before it’s too late.

Workplace Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate

Addiction can choose to victimize anyone. If you are constantly using drugs or alcohol and aren’t looking after yourself, odds are you will develop an addiction. Most employees with a workplace addiction can be men or women. There is no set “look” to someone with an addiction as we all have different experiences with overcoming something addictive. Before your stress takes a hold of you, think about the specific goals that you have for this week, month, and year before you take the hit of a drug. You could ruin your chance to be successful and others who are consistently putting in more work than you will definitely beat you to it.  The importance of time management, exercise, proper sleep, and healthy nutrition is critical to understand as well as you navigate your career. Large companies might have a program in place for men and women with workplace addictions, but make sure to read your HR policy before making any assumptions. As someone responsible you can check into a treatment center in your community and get the help of their expertise.

Online Addiction Recovery Centers

If you need help for your workplace addiction, you have many options. Since full time schedules and even part time responsibilities can be draining, many centers now offer online treatment programs to engage you in becoming sober. They understand that it’s sometimes tough to get into popular rehab programs, so the online platform ensures that everyone gets a chance. It also allows you to learn more about overcoming your workplace addiction in a time sensitive manner. Block out an hour a day or even just a few hours a week of rehab education so you can make little accomplishments very quickly. That will help you stay motivated to complete the program overall and stay accountable!