
The full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar

J21   Kliman, R., Huang, Y., Zhao, Y., Chen, Y.* Towards an Automated System for Nondestructive Estimation of Plant Biomass. Plant Direct. Accept

J20   Huang, Y., Zhong, S., Gan, L., & Chen, Y.* (2024). Development of Machine Learning Models for Ion-Selective Electrode Cation Sensor Design. ACS ES&T Engineering, 4(7), 1702–1711.

J19   Huang, Y., Afolabi, M. A., Gan, L., Liu, S., & Chen, Y.* (2024). MXene-Coated Ion-Selective Electrode Sensors for Highly Stable and Selective Lithium Dynamics Monitoring. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(2), 1359–1368. Front Cover

J18   Wang, X., Rashid, I., Zhao, Z., Oladele, M., Xiang, W., Huang, Y., Wazer, E., McCutcheon, J., Bollas, G., Contreras, J., & Li, B.* (2024). Machine Learning Algorithm Integrated with Real-Time In Situ Sensors and Physiochemical Principle-Driven Soft Sensors toward an Anaerobic Digestion-Data Fusion Framework. ACS ES&T Water, 4(3), 1061–1072.

J17   Huang, Y., Zhang, J., Ren, Z., Xiang, W., Sifat, I., Zhang, W.*, Zhu, J.*, & Li, B.* (2023). Next Generation Decentralized Water Systems: A Water-Energy-Infrastructure-Human Nexus (WEIHN) Approach. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 9(10), 2446–2471.

J16   Wang, X., Sahoo, S., Gascon, J., Bragin, M., Liu, F., Olchowski, J., Rothfarb, S., Huang, Y., Xiang, W., Gao, P.-X., Pamir Alpay, S., & Li, B.* (2023). Deciphering Electrochemical Interactions in Metal-Polymer Catalysts for CO2 Reduction. Energy & Environmental Science, 16(10), 4388–4403.

J15   Huang, Y., Qian, X., Wang, X., Wang, T., Lounder, S. J., Ravindran, T., Demitrack, Z., McCutcheon, J., Asatekin, A., & Li, B.* (2022). Electrospraying Zwitterionic Copolymers as an Effective Biofouling Control for Accurate and Continuous Monitoring of Wastewater Dynamics in a Real-Time and Long-Term Manner. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(12), 8176–8186.

J14   Huang, Y., Wang, X., Xiang, W., Wang, T., Otis, C., Sarge, L., Lei, Y., & Li, B.* (2022). Forward-Looking Roadmaps for Long-Term Continuous Water Quality Monitoring: Bottlenecks, Innovations, and Prospects in a Critical Review. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(9), 5334–5354.

J13   Wang, T., Cui, C., Huang, Y., Fan, Y., Xu, Z., Sarge, L., Bagtzoglou, C., Brückner, C., Gao, P., & Li, B.* (2022). Ion Selective Nano-mesh Electrode for Long-term Continuous Monitoring of Wastewater Quality Fabricated using Template-guided Membrane Immobilization. Environmental Science: Nano, 9(6), 2149–2160.

J12   Fan, Y., Qian, F., Huang, Y., Sifat, I., Zhang, C., Depasquale, A., Wang, L., & Li, B.* (2021). Miniature microbial fuel cells integrated with triggered power management systems to power wastewater sensors in an uninterrupted mode. Applied Energy, 302, 117556.

J11    Wang, X., Fan, Y., Huang, Y., Ling, J., Klimowicz, A., Pagano, G., & Li, B.* (2021). Solving Sensor Reading Drifting Using Denoising Data Processing Algorithm (DDPA) for Long-Term Continuous and Accurate Monitoring of Ammonium in Wastewater. ACS ES&T Water, 1(3), 530–541. Supplementary Cover

J10   Fan, Y., Xu, Z., Huang, Y., Wang, T., Zheng, S., DePasquale, A., Brüeckner, C., Lei, Y., & Li, B.* (2020). Long-term Continuous and Real-time In Situ Monitoring of Pb(II) Toxic Contaminants in Wastewater using Solid-state Ion Selective Membrane (S-ISM) Pb and pH Auto-correction Assembly. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400, 123299.

J9     Ryu, H., Thompson, D., Huang, Y., Li, B., & Lei, Y.* (2020). Electrochemical Sensors for Nitrogen Species: A review. Sensors and Actuators Reports, 2(1), 100022.

J8     Wang, T., Xu, Z., Huang, Y., Dai, Z., Wang, X., Lee, M., Bagtzoglou, C., Brückner, C., Lei, Y., & Li, B.* (2020). Real-time In Aitu Auto-correction of K+ Interference for Continuous and Long-term NH4+ Monitoring in Wastewater using Solid-state Ion Selective Membrane (S-ISM) Sensor Assembly. Environmental Research, 189, 109891.

J7     Fan, Y., Huang, Y., Linthicum, W., Liu, F., Beringhs, A. O., Dang, Y., Xu, Z., Chang, S.-Y., Ling, J., Huey, B. D., Suib, S. L., Ma, A. W. K., Gao, P.-X., Lu, X., Lei, Y., Shaw, M. T., & Li, B.* (2020). Toward Long-Term Accurate and Continuous Monitoring of Nitrate in Wastewater Using Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE)–Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrodes (S-ISEs). ACS Sensors, 5(10), 3182–3193.

J6     Xu, Z., MahmoodPoor Dehkordy, F., Li, Y., Fan, Y., Wang, T., Huang, Y., Zhou, W., Dong, Q., Lei, Y., Stuber, M. D., Bagtzoglou, A., & Li, B.* (2019). High-fidelity Profiling and Modeling of Heterogeneity in Wastewater Systems using Milli-electrode Array (MEA): Toward High-efficiency and Energy-saving Operation. Water Research, 165, 114971.

J5     Zhou, W., Xu, Z., Ross, D., Dignan, J., Fan, Y., Huang, Y., Wang, G., Bagtzoglou, A. C., Lei, Y., & Li, B.*(2019). Towards Water-saving Irrigation Methodology: Field Test of Soil Moisture Profiling using Flat Thin mm-sized Soil Moisture Sensors (MSMSs). Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 298, 126857.

J4     Xu, Z., Fan, Y., Wang, T., Huang, Y., MahmoodPoor Dehkordy, F., Dai, Z., Xia, L., Dong, Q., Bagtzoglou, A., McCutcheon, J., Lei, Y., & Li, B.* (2019). Towards High Resolution Monitoring of Water Flow Velocity using Flat Flexible Thin mm-sized Resistance-typed Sensor Film (MRSF). Water Research X, 4, 100028.

J3     Huang, Y., Wang, T., Xu, Z., Hughes, E., Qian, F., Lee, M., Fan, Y., Lei, Y., Brückner, C., & Li, B.* (2019). Real-Time in Situ Monitoring of Nitrogen Dynamics in Wastewater Treatment Processes using Wireless, Solid-State, and Ion-Selective Membrane Sensors. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(6), 3140–3148.

J2     Huang, Y., MahmoodPoor Dehkordy, F., Li, Y., Emadi, S., Bagtzoglou, A., & Li, B.* (2018). Enhancing Anaerobic Fermentation Performance through Eccentrically Stirred Mixing: Experimental and Modeling Methodology. Chemical Engineering Journal, 334, 1383–1391.

J1     Li, Y., Styczynski, J., Huang, Y., Xu, Z., McCutcheon, J., & Li, B.* (2017). Energy-Positive Wastewater Treatment and Desalination in an Integrated Microbial Desalination Cell (MDC)-Microbial Electrolysis Cell (MEC). Journal of Power Sources, 356, 529–538.