
July 2014

  • Ian Romines competed in the 2014 MemphisCRESH poster competition to cap off his research experiences for the summer. Ian was awarded 2nd place honors for his work! Congratulations on a great job this summer.
  • Dr. Alexander presented highlights of the group’s research at the 2014 Gordon Research Conference on Atomic and Molecular Interactions held at Stonehill College outside of Boston, MA
  • Jimmy Nguyen and William Lucas joined the group to work on the NSF RAPID project. They will be using computational chemistry methods to study the physical properties of various compounds implicated in the Jan. 2014 chemical spill in WV. Welcome to the group!
    -Jimmy is a rising Senior at Christian Brothers University here in Memphis majoring in biochemistry.
    -Will is an incoming graduate student for this fall’s class. He has previously worked in a variety of teaching roles in the Memphis schools, Southwest Community College, and Victory University, as well as having experience in some analytical labs.

June 2014

Jimmy Nguyen and William Lucas joined the group to work on the NSF RAPID project. They will be using computational chemistry methods to study the physical properties of various compounds implicated in the Jan. 2014 chemical spill in WV. Welcome to the group! -Jimmy is a rising Senior at Christian Brothers University here in Memphis majoring in biochemistry. -Will is…

‘Funding News’ – Apr. 2014

Dr. Alexander’s grant “RAPID: Computation of accurate binding energies of emerging organic contaminants on environmental and infrastructural interfaces” has been funded by the NSF! Dr. Nathan DeYonker is a Co-PI on the grant. We are grateful for the opportunity to help answer many fundamental questions about the fate of the organic compounds released into the Elk River in West Virginia in Jan. 2014. Drs. Alexander and DeYonker are working to understand and predict the physical properties of crude MCHM and PPH compounds using computational methods.

Feb. 2013

Dr. Alexander was awarded Spring 2013 Faculty Travel Enrichment Funds from the UofM College of Arts and Sciences to attend and present at the 245th National ACS Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

Dr. Alexander travelled to Atlanta, GA to accept another amazingly generous donation of used lab equipment from the Centers for Disease Control.

Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR installed!

Nov. 2012

  • Dr. Alexander and co-workers from Virginia Tech published a review article in Progress in Surface Science. It can be accessed here.
  • Graduate student Lauren Wiser joined the group. Lauren comes to us at the UofM after completing her undergraduate work at Freed Hardeman University. Welcome to the group!
  • Dr. Alexander was awarded a 2012 KIMAX New Lab Startup Award!

Oct. 2012

  • Dr. Alexander travelled to Atlanta, GA to accept a large donation of used lab equipment from the Centers for Disease Control.
  • Undergraduate Matthew Luckey joined the group. Matt comes to us at the UofM after a 20-year career in the miltary. Thanks for your service Matt! He will be working on various projects. Welcome to the group!