The University of Memphis provides all students with access to 24/7 online tutoring powered by UpSwing. If you are teaching a course that is part of UofM Global (M50 designation) you will see Tutoring listed in your course Navigation bar. Please check to see if there is tutoring available for your course or content area if you anticipate students using this service as part of your course. If you find your course is not listed, please reach out to the contact listed on UofM’s online tutoring.
Incorporating Tutoring in your class
According to Bloom (1984), students who receive tutoring have scores that are higher and less variable than students who do not. Incorporating tutoring support services into instruction can help students move toward mastery of course objectives and even reach higher levels of learning.
There are a variety of ways in which online tutoring can be incorporated into a course:
- Students who make below a certain percentage on assessments can attend a tutoring session focused on improving weak areas of understanding and submit their feedback/session record for extra points.
- Require students to submit a certain number of tutoring session records along with their written assignments or midterm/final exams.
- Have students submit tutoring records at the end of the semester for extra credit in the course.