Tigers Study….

Hello Tigers,

I hope that everyone is doing well. As you may already know Wednesday, December 2, 2015 was the official last day of classes. The study day for finals was December 3, 2015. Finals week officially began on December 4, 2015, and will end on December 10, 2015. Please check the link below for the final  exam schedule.

If you need a quiet place to study the University offers a variety of options. One option is to reserve a study space in the library. They can be scheduled for up to 4 hours, the link to reserve a room is located below. The other option is to schedule a Collaboration Room in the Technology Hub they can also only be scheduled for 2 hours. To reserve a room you have to come into the Tech Hub, and speak with one of the Technology assistants at one of the stations.

I have also provided a 5 day study plan to help you with studying for your finals.




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