Tag freshmen

Dorm Room Inspo

We know you’ve already started thinking about how you’re going to do up your dorm room. Here’s some inspiration from other Tigers over the years. Rooms featured are from LLC, Centennial Place, Rawls Hall and even a couple from good… Continue Reading →

Companies That Give College Students a Discount

All you’ll need is an I.D. or a .edu email address. With the annual net cost of attending a four-year college up more than 10% in the past five years, the average undergraduate debt load topping $30,000, and slow-rising wages… Continue Reading →

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was in College

This is a summary of “A Tale of Two Companies” – a live Google Hangout between Sanjeev Agrawal, Founder/CEO of Collegefeed and Rajen Sheth, Director of Product Management for at Google. Sanjeev was formerly Head of Product Marketing at Google, and CEO… Continue Reading →

The 50 Best College Study Aid Blogs

How useful or not study aids are to you will largely depend on the relevance of the content and how that content is presented. They need to stimulate you sufficiently for you to use them to your full advantage, and… Continue Reading →

15 Tips for Incoming University of Memphis Freshmen

The University of Memphis may seem intimidating for new freshmen, but it’s really not that bad!  It won’t take you long to learn the ins and outs, but we want to help with a few tips. Keep an open mind. … Continue Reading →

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