Spring Classes begin January 19!

Greetings AS majors!  I hope you are enjoying the break and are resting up to be ready for classes to begin January 19.  Here are a few tips:

  1. Be sure to have your schedule set and classes paid for by Friday, January 15.
  2. Students may adjust their schedules until Friday, January 22, but after that, adding classes requires permission from the instructor, chair of the department, and your college office.
  3. Want to get more involved?  Attend Join in January on Tuesday, January 26, 10:00-2:00 in the UC Ballroom.
  4. Start the semester by getting organized with a dates and deadlines calendar on your phone or on paper, and you will be grateful you did!
  5. Check the calendar for the Spring semester and add the important dates to your calendar: http://www.memphis.edu/registrar/calendars/dates/16s-dates.php

Go Tigers!  Have a great semester!

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