Applying to Graduate in Summer or Fall 2015 or Spring 2016

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences should apply to graduate at the beginning of the semester a year before their expected graduation date, for example, in January 2015 for graduation in Spring 2016.


  • If you plan to graduate in August or December 2015 or May 2016 and have not applied, you should apply NOW by going to myMemphis, the My Degree tab, and the Commencement and Graduation channel.


Filing your intent is free and takes only a few minutes.


The University’s absolute deadline to apply to graduate in August 2015 is April 8, 2015, and our college does not allow exceptions to this deadline.


  • If you have applied for August or December 2015 or May 2016, please realize that it will take about a couple of months to receive a summary because they are completed in the order in which your application was received.


  • If you applied to graduate in August or December 2015, or May 2016, and now realize you won’t be able to graduate until a later semester, please send me an e-mail telling me your new expected graduation term.


If you have any questions, I will be happy to help.


Patsy Krech –

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