Three men look into a machinery that produces laser light.

Research in a Minute | Dr. Thang Hoang

Nanophotonic and optoelectronics. Those are big words to describe the very, very small-scale study of light. I study materials that are about 1,000 times smaller than a human hair. We work on a nanoscale, or one billionth of a meter. More specifically, my lab develops...

Latest News

UofM admin building

UofM, Southwest TN CC Reaffirm One Step Closer Commitment with MOU Signing

March 20, 2025  ̶  ̶ ̶  University of Memphis President Dr. Bill Hardgrave and Southwest Tennessee Community College President Dr. Tracy D. Hall will sign a memorandum of...
Fogelman Women in Leadership professional track participants discussing current topics

UofM Fogelman Program Builds Network of Women Leaders

The Fogelman Women in Leadership (FWL) program was born over a decade ago out of an intentional mission to build a network of women leaders within the UofM Fogelman College of...
Man in suit smiling at camera in front of book shelf and globe.

Research in a Minute | Dr. Matthew Smeltzer

As a biostatistician and an epidemiologist, I believe data plays a crucial role in contextualizing every story. By designing research studies that analyze observational and...

The President's Perspective

the university of memphis logo

The President’s Perspective — A Successful Outcome for Every Student

The University of Memphis is establishing a primary campus-wide commitment to creating a successful outcome for every student. President Bill Hardgrave explains this initiative and how it aligns with the Ascend Strategic Plan in this edition of the President’s Perspective.

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University of Memphis Magazine

Leaders learn here

Summer 2024

When current City of Memphis Mayor Paul Young came back to town after finishing his undergraduate degree at the University of Tennessee, he wasn’t sure what to do next. Then one day he listened to his mother, Pastor Dianne Young, preach a sermon about a purpose-driven life and had a spiritual reckoning.

Ascending in Research

Winter 2023

The University of Memphis Research in a Minute series spotlights some of the most active and accomplished researchers across various disciplines at the UofM.

Music Makers

Spring 2023

From Afghanistan to the UofM, cello student Nazira Wali uses her talents to connect with the world and serve as an advocate for Afghan music.