Title: H-percolation
Speaker: Bret Kolesnik , UCSD,
For your reference, here is Dr. Kolesnik’s website: https://mathweb.ucsd.edu/~bkolesnik/
Abstract: A graph G is said to H-percolate if all missing edges can be added eventually by iteratively completing copies of H minus an edge. This process was introduced by Bollobás (1967) and studied more recently by Balogh, Bollobás and Morris (2012) in the case that G is the Erdős–Rényi graph G(n,p). In this talk, we will discuss our recent work with Zsolt Bartha, which locates the critical percolation threshold p_c for all “reasonably balanced” graphs H.
Time: Jan 21, 2022 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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