Getting Started with the Hubert Project

I just got wrapped up a conference call with my Hubert Project fellowship cohort. I am very excited to be one of the ones chosen to participate this year. Through the fellowship I will be creating an e-Case Study on the organizational turnaround of Literacy Mid-South. While most case studies are paper based, the ones provided by the Hubert Project include videos and links and other sources that engage the student in learning. The cases focus on issues in public affairs. My colleagues are focusing their e-Case Studies on public trust and governance structures. You can visit the Hubert Project blog to learn more about this year’s cohort While our projects won’t be available until the end of the semester, I encourage you to look at the other e-Case Studies as a potential teaching resource. The resources are open source, user-friendly, and learner-centered. You can browse the resources available here And as this week is #OpenEducationWk, what better time to explore the resources that help stimulate conversation in your class?

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