Please note: By creating a blog, you agree that you are solely responsible for the content you create. Neither the content of your blog, nor the links to other web sites, are approved or endorsed by the University of Memphis. The text and other material on your blogs are the opinion of the specific author and are not official statements of advice, opinion, or information of the University of Memphis.
To get started using your blog:
- Click on the Log In button at the top left of this page.
- Log in using your University of Memphis UUID (the beginning of your email address) and password.
- After you log in, you will be at your Dashboard page. Select your blog (i.e. and start editing your blog. Happy blogging!
About… is the University’s installation of WordPress, a blogging service that allows Memphis faculty, staff, and students to collaborate around a common subject, such as an academic course, program, department, or community service. These blogs provide a place for users to share experiences, reflect on activities, and publish student creative works through written posts, pictures, videos, links, and comments. As with other technology resources available at the University of Memphis, the service is subject to the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy. (See the link to the policy)